Input Variables
Contains all global input variables which can be set by the user through the input file. A specific preocedure ed_read_input()
should be called to read the input file using parse_input_variable()
procedure from SciFortran. All variables are automatically set to a default, looked for and updated by reading into the file and, sequentially looked for and updated from command line (std.input) using the notation variable_name=variable_value(s) (case independent).
Quick access
- Variables:
- Routines:
Used modules
- ed_input_vars/a_ph [real]
phonon field coupled to displacement operator (constant)
- ed_input_vars/bath_type [character(len=7)]
flag to set bath type: normal (1bath/imp), hybrid(1bath), replica(1replica/imp), general(replica++)
- ed_input_vars/beta [real,bind(c,name="beta")]
inverse temperature
- ed_input_vars/cg_ftol [real]
Tolerance in the cg fit
- ed_input_vars/cg_grad [integer]
gradient evaluation: 0=analytic, 1=numeric
- ed_input_vars/cg_method [integer]
fit routine type:0=CGnr (default), 1=minimize (old f77)
- ed_input_vars/cg_minimize_hh [real]
unknown parameter used in the CG minimize procedure.
- ed_input_vars/cg_minimize_ver [logical]
flag to pick old (Krauth) or new (Lichtenstein) version of the minimize CG routine
- ed_input_vars/cg_niter [integer]
Max number of iteration in the fit
- ed_input_vars/cg_norm [character(len=12)]
frobenius/elemental (for now only in general bath)
- ed_input_vars/cg_pow [integer]
fit power to generalize the distance as \(\vert G0 - G0_{and} \vert ^{cg\_pow}\)
- ed_input_vars/cg_scheme [character(len=5)]
fit scheme: delta (default), weiss for G0
- ed_input_vars/cg_stop [integer]
fit stop condition:0-3, 0=C1.AND.C2, 1=C1, 2=C2 with C1= \(\vert F_{n-1} -F_{n} \vert < tol*(1+F_{n})\), C2= \(\vert\vert x_{n-1} -x_{n} \vert\vert <tol*(1+ \vert\vert x_{n} \vert\vert\)).
- ed_input_vars/cg_weight [integer]
CGfit mode 0=1, 1=1/n , 2=1/w_n weight
- ed_input_vars/chidens_flag [logical]
evaluate dens susceptibility
- ed_input_vars/chiexct_flag [logical]
evaluate excitonic susceptibility
- ed_input_vars/chipair_flag [logical]
evaluate pair susceptibility
- ed_input_vars/chispin_flag [logical]
evaluate spin susceptibility
- ed_input_vars/cutoff [real]
cutoff for spectral summation
- ed_input_vars/deltasc [real]
breaking symmetry field
- ed_input_vars/dmft_error [real,bind(c,name="dmft_error")]
dmft convergence threshold
- ed_input_vars/ed_all_g [logical]
flag to evaluate all the components of the impurity Green`s functions irrespective of the symmetries
- ed_input_vars/ed_diag_type [character(len=4)]
flag to select the diagonalization type: “lanc” for Lanczos/Davidson, “full” for Full diagonalization method.
- ed_input_vars/ed_finite_temp [logical]
flag to select finite temperature method. note that if T then lanc_nstates_total must be > 1
- ed_input_vars/ed_hw_bath [real]
half-bandwidth for the bath initialization: flat in -hwband:hwband
- ed_input_vars/ed_input_file [character(len=200),optional/default=""]
Name of input file
- ed_input_vars/ed_mode [character(len=7)]
flag to set ed symmetry type: normal=normal (default), superc=superconductive, nonsu2=broken SU(2)
- ed_input_vars/ed_offset_bath [real]
half-bandwidth for the bath initialization: flat in -hwband:hwband
- ed_input_vars/ed_print_g [logical]
flag to print impurity Green`s functions
- ed_input_vars/ed_print_g0 [logical]
flag to print impurity non-interacting Green`s functions
- ed_input_vars/ed_print_sigma [logical]
flag to print impurity Self-energies
- ed_input_vars/ed_sectors [logical]
flag to reduce sector scan for the spectrum to specific sectors +/- ed_sectors_shift
- ed_input_vars/ed_sectors_shift [integer]
shift to the ed_sectors scan
- ed_input_vars/ed_solve_offdiag_gf [logical]
flag to select the calculation of the off-diagonal impurity GF. this is T by default if bath_type/=normal
- ed_input_vars/ed_sparse_h [logical]
flag to select storage of sparse matrix H (mem–, cpu++) if TRUE, or direct on-the-fly H*v product (mem++, cpu–
- ed_input_vars/ed_total_ud [logical,bind(c,name="ed_total_ud")]
flag to select which type of quantum numbers have to be considered: T (default) total Nup-Ndw, F orbital based Nup-Ndw
- ed_input_vars/ed_twin [logical,bind(c,name="ed_twin")]
flag to reduce (T) or not (F,default) the number of visited sector using twin symmetry.
- ed_input_vars/ed_verbose [integer]
verbosity level: 0=almost nothing –> 5:all. Really: all
- ed_input_vars/eps [real,bind(c,name="eps")]
- ed_input_vars/exc_field (4) [real]
external field coupling to exciton order parameter
- ed_input_vars/finitet [logical]
flag for finite temperature calculation
- ed_input_vars/g_ph (•, •) [complex,allocatable]
electron-phonon coupling constant all
- ed_input_vars/g_ph_diag (•) [real,allocatable]
electron-phonon coupling constant diagonal (density)
- ed_input_vars/gphfile [character(len=100)]
File of Phonon couplings. Put NONE to use only density couplings.
- ed_input_vars/gs_threshold [real]
Energy threshold for ground state degeneracy loop up
- ed_input_vars/hfile [character(len=100)]
File where to retrieve/store the bath parameters.
- ed_input_vars/hfmode [logical]
flag for HF interaction form U(n-1/2)(n-1/2) VS Unn
- ed_input_vars/hlocfile [character(len=100)]
File read the input local H
- ed_input_vars/jh [real,bind(c,name="jh")]
J_Hund: Hunds’ coupling constant
- ed_input_vars/jp [real,bind(c,name="jp")]
J_P: coupling constant for the Pair-hopping interaction term
- ed_input_vars/jx [real,bind(c,name="jx")]
J_X: coupling constant for the spin-eXchange interaction term
- ed_input_vars/jz_basis [logical]
“Flag to enable the Jz basis”
- ed_input_vars/jz_max [logical]
“Flag to enable a maximum value for Jz”
- ed_input_vars/jz_max_value [real]
“Maximum value for Jz”
- ed_input_vars/lanc_dim_threshold [integer]
Min dimension threshold to use Lanczos determination of the spectrum rather than Lapack based exact diagonalization.
- ed_input_vars/lanc_method [character(len=12)]
select the lanczos method to be used in the determination of the spectrum. ARPACK (default), LANCZOS (T=0 only)
- ed_input_vars/lanc_ncv_add [integer]
Adds up to the size of the block to prevent it to become too small (Ncv=lanc_ncv_factor*Neigen+lanc_ncv_add)
- ed_input_vars/lanc_ncv_factor [integer]
Set the size of the block used in Lanczos-Arpack by multiplying the required Neigen (Ncv=lanc_ncv_factor*Neigen+lanc_ncv_add)
- ed_input_vars/lanc_ngfiter [integer]
Max number of iteration in resolvant tri-diagonalization
- ed_input_vars/lanc_niter [integer]
Max number of Lanczos iterations
- ed_input_vars/lanc_nstates_sector [integer]
Max number of required eigenvalues per sector
- ed_input_vars/lanc_nstates_step [integer]
Number of states added at each step to determine the optimal spectrum size at finite T
- ed_input_vars/lanc_nstates_total [integer]
Max number of states hold in the finite T calculation
- ed_input_vars/lanc_tolerance [real]
Tolerance for the Lanczos iterations as used in Arpack and plain lanczos.
- ed_input_vars/lfit [integer,bind(c,name="lfit")]
Number of frequencies for bath fitting
- ed_input_vars/lmats [integer,bind(c,name="lmats")]
Number of Matsubara frequencies
- ed_input_vars/logfile [integer,save/bind(c,name="logfile")]
Logfile unit
- ed_input_vars/lpos [integer,bind(c,name="lpos")]
Number of points in PDF lattice
- ed_input_vars/lreal [integer,bind(c,name="lreal")]
Number of real-axis frequencies
- ed_input_vars/ltau [integer,bind(c,name="ltau")]
Number of imaginary time points
- ed_input_vars/nbath [integer,bind(c,name="nbath")]
Number of bath sites (per orbital or not depending on bath_type)
- ed_input_vars/ncoeff [real]
multiplier for the initial ndelta read from a file (ndelta–>ndelta*ncoeff)
- ed_input_vars/ndelta [real]
initial chemical potential step
- ed_input_vars/nerr [real]
fix density threshold. a loop over from 1.d-1 to required nerr is performed
- ed_input_vars/niter [integer]
- ed_input_vars/nloop [integer,bind(c,name="nloop")]
max dmft loop variables
- ed_input_vars/norb [integer,bind(c,name="norb")]
Number of impurity orbitals
- ed_input_vars/nph [integer,bind(c,name="nph")]
max number of phonons allowed (cut off)
- ed_input_vars/nread [real,bind(c,name="nread")]
fixed density. if 0.d0 fixed chemical potential calculation.
- ed_input_vars/nspin [integer,bind(c,name="nspin")]
Number spin degeneracy (max 2)
- ed_input_vars/nsuccess [integer,bind(c,name="nsuccess")]
Number of repeated success to fall below convergence threshold
- ed_input_vars/pair_field (•) [real,allocatable]
pair field per orbital coupling to s-wave order parameter component
- ed_input_vars/ph_type [integer]
shape of the e part of the e-ph interaction: 1=orbital occupation, 2=orbital hybridization
- ed_input_vars/sb_field [real,bind(c,name="sb_field")]
symmetry breaking field
- ed_input_vars/sectorfile [character(len=100)]
File where to retrieve/store the sectors contributing to the spectrum
- ed_input_vars/spin_field_x (•) [real,allocatable]
magnetic field per orbital coupling to X-spin component
- ed_input_vars/spin_field_y (•) [real,allocatable]
magnetic field per orbital coupling to Y-spin component
- ed_input_vars/spin_field_z (•) [real,allocatable]
magnetic field per orbital coupling to Z-spin component
- ed_input_vars/uloc (5) [real,bind(c,name="uloc")]
local interactions
- ed_input_vars/ust [real,bind(c,name="ust")]
intra-orbitals interactions
- ed_input_vars/w0_ph [real]
phonon frequency (constant)
- ed_input_vars/wfin [real,bind(c,name="wfin")]
frequency range max
- ed_input_vars/wini [real,bind(c,name="wini")]
frequency range min
- ed_input_vars/xmax [real,bind(c,name="xmax")]
x-range for the local lattice probability distribution function (phonons)
- ed_input_vars/xmin [real,bind(c,name="xmin")]
x-range for the local lattice probability distribution function (phonons)
- ed_input_vars/xmu [real,bind(c,name="xmu")]
chemical potential
Subroutines and functions
- subroutine ed_input_vars/ed_read_input(inputunit)
This functions reads the input file provided by
and sets the global variables accordingly- Parameters:
inputunit [character(len=*)]
- Use :
- subroutine ed_input_vars/ed_update_input(name, vals)
This functions updates some variables in the input file, namely
, andspin_field_z
.- Parameters:
name [character(len=*)] – the name of the variable to update
vals (•) [real] – the new value of the variable