Solving Dynamical Mean-Field Theory with EDIpack2.0

In this section we take a step further to show how to integrate the EDIpack2.0 as a solver for Dynamical Mean-Field Theory calculations. Specifically, here we discuss the step-by-step implementation of a Fortran program (see below) solving this model using DMFT with the EDIpack2.0 exact diagonalization algorithm at \(T=0\).

Similar to the previous section, we consider a Fermi-Hubbard model defined on a Bethe lattice DOS \(\rho(x)=\frac{1}{2D}\sqrt{D^2-x^2}\). The preamble of the program includes variable definitions (a old-looking Fortran specialty) and input file read:

program ed_hm_bethe
   implicit none

   !> Number of discretization points for the Bethe DOS
   integer,parameter                           :: Le=5000
   !> Bethe half-bandwidth = energy unit
   real(8),parameter                           :: D=1d0
   !> Bethe DOS and linear dispersion
   real(8),dimension(Le)                       :: DOS
   real(8),dimension(Le)                       :: ene
   real(8),allocatable                         :: Bath(:)
   !> local dynamical functions, rank-5 [Nspin,Nspin,Norb,Norb,L]
   !   (we could use other format )
   complex(8),allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: Weiss,Smats,Sreal,Gmats,Greal,Weiss_
   !> input file
   character(len=16)                           :: finput

   !> Use SciFortran parser to retrieve the name of input file
   call parse_cmd_variable(finput,"FINPUT",default='inputED.conf')

   !> READ THE input using EDIpack procedure:
   call ed_read_input(trim(finput))

In this we load both the EDIpack2.0 and SciFortran libraries through their main module edipack2 and scifor. We define some local variables and read the input file (default "inputED.conf") using the EDIpack2.0 function ed_read_input().

The next step is to construct the Bethe lattice DOS, we use SciFortran procedure to simplify the task:

Ene = linspace(-D,D,Le,mesh=de)
DOS = dens_bethe(Ene,D)

Once the local dynamical functions have been allocated, we can proceed to allocate the user side bath bath and initialise the ED solver by calling the ed_init_solver() procedure:

call ed_init_solver(bath)

On input the bath is guessed from a flat distribution centered around zero and with half-width ed_hw_bath. If a file hfile with suffix .restart containing bath parameters is found in the run directory then the bath is read from file.

We are now ready to perform a DMFT self-consistency cycle. In the present it looks like:

 2do while(.not.converged.AND.iloop<nloop)
 3  iloop=iloop+1
 5  !> Solve the effective impurity problem
 6  call ed_solve(bath)
 8  !> Impurity Self-energy on Matsubara axis
 9  call ed_get_sigma(Smats,'m')
11  !> Build a local Green's function using the Impurity Self-energy
12  wfreq = pi/beta*(2*arange(1,Lmats)-1)   !automatic Fortran allocation
13  do i=1,Lmats
14     zeta= xi*wfreq(i)+xmu - Smats(1,1,1,1,i)
15     Gmats(1,1,1,1,i) = sum(DOS(:)/( zeta-Ene(:) ))*de  ! One can do better than this of course
16  enddo
18  !> Self-consistency: get the new Weiss field:
19  Weiss(1,1,1,1,:) = one/(one/Gmats(1,1,1,1,:) + Smats(1,1,1,1,:))
20  !> Mix to avoid trapping:
21  if(iloop>1)Weiss = wmixing*Weiss + (1.d0-wmixing)*Weiss_
23  !> Close the self-consistency fitting the new bath:
24  call ed_chi2_fitgf(Weiss,bath,ispin=1)
26  !>Check convergence
27  converged =( sum(abs(Weiss(1,1,1,1,:)-Weiss_(1,1,1,1,:)))/sum(abs(Weiss(1,1,1,1,:))) )<dmft_error
28  Weiss_=Weiss

The first step, line 9, is to call the ed_solve() procedure in EDIpack2 which solve the quantum impurity problem defined by a given input bath bath. On exit, all the ED related quantities are stored in the memory, ready to be retrieved upon call. For instance we retrieve the Matsubara self-energy \(\Sigma(i\omega_n)\) using the procedure ed_get_sigma() and store the result in the array Smats.

Next, lines 12-16, we evaluate the local Green’s function \(\int^{D}_{-D} d\epsilon \frac{\rho(\epsilon)}{\zeta-\epsilon}\) where \(\zeta=i\omega_n+\mu-\Sigma(i\omega_n)\). This function is used to update the Weiss field \({\cal G}_0\) using the self-consistency relation (line 19):

\[{\cal G}_0(i\omega_n) = \left[ G^{-1}_{loc}(i\omega_n) + \Sigma(i\omega_n)\right]^{-1}\]

The closing step of the DMFT cycle, specific of the Exact Diagonalization solver, is to project the obtained Weiss field onto the set of Anderson non-interacting Green’s function \(G^{And}_0(i\omega_n;\vec{b})\) describing a discretized bath of Nb parameters. This step is performed using the complementary method ed_chi2_fitgf(), which optimize the bath parameters by minimizing the distance between such two functions. See line 24.

The cycle close with a simple error check on the Weiss field itself.

In the following we present some results obtained by executing this simple program varying the interaction strenght uloc. Differently from the previous case of a quantum impurity embedded in a given bath describing the progressive formation of a strongly renormalized Fermi liquid state, here the DMFT self-consistency allows to describe the transition from a correlated metal to a Mott insulating state.

To illustrate this point, in panel A we report the evolution of the spectral function \(-{\rm Im}G(\omega)/\pi\) as a function of \(U\). Despite the spiky nature of the spectrum, due to the finite size (i.e. number of poles) of the discretized effective bath, one can clearly distinguish the renormalization of the central quasi-particle peak at low-energy and the concomitant formation of rather incoherent high-energy features which will develop into Hubbard bands for \(U>U_c\), with \(U_c\simeq 2.8D\).


In the panels (B) and (C) we further discuss the metal-insulator transition by showing the evolution of the self-energy functions. In panel (B) we report the self-energy \({\rm Im}\Sigma(i\omega)\) on the Matsubara axis in the low energy regime. Increasing \(U\) we observe the progressive growth of this function until it takes a diverging behavior crossing the critical interaction strenght. We recall that this behavior can be observed on the Matsubara axis because of the particle-hole symmetry of the problem.

Using the relation:

\[\frac{\Im\Sigma(i\omega_n)}{\omega_n}_{|_{\omega_n\rightarrow 0}}= \frac{1}{\pi}\int_{\mathbb R}d\epsilon \frac{\Re\Sigma(\epsilon)}{\epsilon^2}= \frac{\partial\Re\Sigma}{\partial\omega}_{|_{\omega\rightarrow 0}}.\]

we can extract the quasi-particle renormalization constant \(Z\) from the linear behavior of \({\rm Im}\Sigma(i\omega)\) near \(\omega=0\) in the metallic regime. The results are highlighted in the figure and the values of \(Z\) are reported in the legend.

Using the right hand side of the previous relation, we show in panel (C) the behavior of \({\rm Re}\Sigma(\omega)\) on the real axis around the Fermi level. Again, increasing \(U\) we observe the slope of the linear behavior to increase until the critical point is crossed and an insulating state is reached. On the real-axis this is signaled by the divergence of the imaginary part of the self-energy \({\rm Im}\Sigma(\omega) \rightarrow -\infty\) near the chemical potential, which here is set to zero by particle-hole symmetry. The corresponding real part shows a discontinuity visibile in the panel (C).

In panel (D) we show the results of the \(\chi^2\) fit procedure projecting the Weiss field \({\cal G}_0\) onto the space of Anderson non-interacting Green’s functions with a finite number of parameters. The quality of the fit is very good, notwithstanding some small oscillations at low frequency related to the nature of the rational functions in \(G^{\rm And}\).

Finally, in panel (E) we show the critical slowing down of the solution upon approaching the Mott transition at \(U=U_c\). The data report the behavior of the convergence error check in terms of relative difference of the Weiss fields between two successive steps.

The program used in this quickstart is available here: Hubbard Bethe Code

together with a list of bath files corresponding the solutions presented above:

and one of the input files used above: InputFile