Solving a Single Impurity Anderson model
In this section we use the methods in EDIpack2.0 to solve a simple example of Anderson quantum impurity problem.
Looking forward for a DMFT application, here we consider the Bethe lattice DOS \(\rho(x)=\frac{1}{2D}\sqrt{D^2-x^2}\) and build the corresponding non-interacting Green’s function \(G_0(z) = \int_{\mathbb{R}}\rho(\epsilon)\left[ z -\epsilon \right]^{-1}\).
We construct a discretized bath by fitting such function on the
Matsubara frequencies \(G_0(i\omega_n)\) using the methods in
\chi^2 Fit. Finally we input this bath into the ed_solve()
solver of EDIpack2.0 in presence of local interaction on the impurity.
The initialization of the code is:
program lancED
implicit none
! Bethe lattice half-bandwidth = energy unit
real(8),parameter :: D=1d0
! Bath size and Nso=Nspin*Norb (here =1)
integer :: Nb,Nso
! User bath, allocatable see below
real(8),allocatable :: Bath(:)
! Non-interacting Bethe lattice Green's function (naming
! convention will be clear in the following section)
complex(8),allocatable,dimension(:,:,:) :: Weiss
!> READ THE input using EDIpack procedure:
call ed_read_input('inputED.conf')
where we load both the EDIpack2.0 and SciFortran libraries through
their main module edipack2
and scifor
. We also define
some local variables and proceed with reading the input file
using the EDIpack2.0 function
Next we construct the non-interacting Green’s
function, using procedures available in SciFortran
!> Get the Bethe lattice non-interacting Matsubara GF as a guess for the bath
call bethe_guess_g0(Weiss(1,1,:),D,beta,hloc=0d0)
Then we initialize the solver. This step requires the user to pass
the user bath as a rank-1 double precision array of a given size. The
correct size of the bath array is evaluated internally by the
EDIpack2.0 code through the function
!> Init solver:
call ed_init_solver(bath)
Upon initialization the bath is guessed from a flat distribution
centered around zero and with half-width ed_hw_bath
. Here we
update the bath optimizing it against the non-interacting Bethe
lattice Green’s function:
!> Fit the bath against G0 guess: the outcome is a bath discretizing the Bethe DOS.
call ed_chi2_fitgf(Weiss,bath,ispin=1,iorb=1)
We are now ready to solve the quantum impurity problem for a given set of parameters specified in the input file (see below)
!> Solve SIAM with this given bath
call ed_solve(bath)
Here is a snapshot of the results obtained for \(U=1.0, 10.0\).
In the top panel we report the impurity spectral functions \(-\Im G^{im}(\omega)/\pi\) compared to the Bethe density of states (filled curve). In the bottom panel we show the real part of the impurity real-axis self-energy functions \(\Sigma(\omega)\) near the Fermi level \(\omega=0\). The linear fit \(y = A\omega\) gives a direct estimate of the derivatives \(A\simeq \tfrac{\partial\Re\Sigma}{\partial\omega}_{|_{\omega\rightarrow 0}}\) and thus of the quasi-particle renormalization constants \(Z=\left( 1 - A \right)^{-1}\) as reported in the legend.
As a direct comparison we report also the values of \(Z\) estimated from the Matsubara axis using the relation \(\frac{\Im\Sigma(i\omega_n}{\omega_n}_{|_{\omega_n\rightarrow 0}}= \frac{1}{\pi}\int_{\mathbb R}d\epsilon \frac{\Re\Sigma(\epsilon)}{\epsilon^2}= \frac{\partial\Re\Sigma}{\partial\omega}_{|_{\omega\rightarrow 0}}\).
We obtained: \(Z=0.74\) and \(Z=0.002\), respectively, for \(U=1.0\) and \(U=10.0\).
Here is an example of input file used in actual calculations:
NORB=1 !Number of impurity orbitals (max 5).
NBATH=9 !Number of bath sites
ED_MODE=normal !Flag to set ED type
BATH_TYPE=normal !flag to set bath type
BETA=1000.000000000 !Inverse temperature, at T=0 is used as a IR cut-off.
ED_VERBOSE=3 !Verbosity level: 0=almost nothing --> 5:all. Really: all
LMATS=4096 !Number of Matsubara frequencies.
EPS=1.000000000E-02 !Broadening on the real-axis.
CG_FTOL=1.000000000E-10 !Conjugate-Gradient tolerance.
CG_NITER=2048 !Max. number of Conjugate-Gradient iterations.
LANC_NGFITER=500 !Number of Lanczos iteration in GF determination. Number of momenta.
ED_HW_BATH=1.000000000 !half-bandwidth for the bath initialization: flat in -ed_hw_bath:ed_hw_bath