Impurity Model Bath

Bath Auxiliary

In this set of modules we implement a number of auxiliary procedures which are required to enumerate the bath levels, performs all the relevant checks on the user input bath, build up of the replica/general matrix basis or apply given symmetry operation on the user side.


In ed_bath_dmft we implement operations on the effective_bath data structure: a suitable representation of the effective bath used internally in the code. We refer to the generic shared instance of this bath as dmft_bath. Depending on the value bath_type this quantity collect different bath parameters which can be directly accessed in the construction of symmetry sectors Hamiltonian.

Bath Functions

In ed_bath_functions we implement on-the-fly construction of the hybridization functions \(\Delta(z) = \sum_p \hat{V}^p\left[z-\hat{h}^p \right]^{-1}\hat{V}^p\), as well as of the non-interacting Anderson Green’s functions \(G_0(z) = \left[z +\mu - H_{loc} - \Delta(z) \right]^{-1}\) for all different cases selected by ed_mode and bath_type.