finter2d_type Derived Type

type, public :: finter2d_type


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real(kind=8), public, allocatable :: X(:)
real(kind=8), public, allocatable :: Y(:)
real(kind=8), public, allocatable :: F(:,:)
integer, public :: N = 0
integer, public :: Imin = 0
integer, public :: Imax = 0
integer, public :: Jmin = 0
integer, public :: Jmax = 0
logical, public :: status = .false.

Source Code

    type finter2d_type
       real(8),allocatable :: X(:)  !vector with frequencies
       real(8),allocatable :: Y(:)  !vector with frequencies
       real(8),allocatable :: F(:,:) !corresponding vector of functional values
       integer             :: N=0
       integer             :: Imin=0,Imax=0,Jmin=0,Jmax=0
       logical             :: status=.false.
    end type finter2d_type