SF_INTERPOLATE.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~sf_interpolate.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~sf_interpolate.f90 SF_INTERPOLATE.f90 sourcefile~interpolate_nr.f90 interpolate_nr.f90 sourcefile~sf_interpolate.f90->sourcefile~interpolate_nr.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~sf_interpolate.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~sf_interpolate.f90 SF_INTERPOLATE.f90 sourcefile~scifor.f90 SCIFOR.f90 sourcefile~scifor.f90->sourcefile~sf_interpolate.f90

Source Code

  ! PURPOSE  : provide an interface to interpolation routines
  ! Now I don't have time to add more stuff, that can be  found 
  ! in splinF directory as copied from internet.
  include "interpolate_nr.f90"
  include "interpolate_pack.f90"
  include "interpolate_pppack.f90"
    implicit none

    type finter_type
       real(8),allocatable    :: X(:)
       real(8),allocatable    :: F(:)
       real(8),allocatable    :: G(:)
       integer                :: Imin,Imax,N
       logical                :: status=.false.
    end type finter_type

    type finter2d_type
       real(8),allocatable :: X(:)  !vector with frequencies
       real(8),allocatable :: Y(:)  !vector with frequencies
       real(8),allocatable :: F(:,:) !corresponding vector of functional values
       integer             :: N=0
       integer             :: Imin=0,Imax=0,Jmin=0,Jmax=0
       logical             :: status=.false.
    end type finter2d_type

    interface linear_spline
       module procedure :: d_linear_spline_s
       module procedure :: d_linear_spline_v
       module procedure :: c_linear_spline_s
       module procedure :: c_linear_spline_v
       module procedure :: d_linear_spline_2d_s
       module procedure :: d_linear_spline_2d_v
       module procedure :: c_linear_spline_2d_s
       module procedure :: c_linear_spline_2d_v
    end interface linear_spline

    interface poly_spline
       module procedure :: d_poly_spline_s
       module procedure :: d_poly_spline_v
       module procedure :: c_poly_spline_s
       module procedure :: c_poly_spline_v
       module procedure :: d_poly_spline_2d_s
       module procedure :: d_poly_spline_2d_v
       module procedure :: c_poly_spline_2d_s
       module procedure :: c_poly_spline_2d_v
    end interface poly_spline

    interface cubic_spline
       module procedure :: d_cub_interp_s
       module procedure :: d_cub_interp_v
       module procedure :: c_cub_interp_s
       module procedure :: c_cub_interp_v
    end interface cubic_spline

    public :: locate !binary search:
    public :: polint
    public :: polin2

    public :: poly_spline
    public :: cubic_spline
    public :: linear_spline

    !Function polynomial interpolation:
    interface init_finter
       module procedure :: init_finter_d
       module procedure :: init_finter_c
    end interface init_finter

    public :: finter_type
    public :: init_finter
    public :: delete_finter
    public :: finter
    public :: cinter

    public :: finter2d_type
    public :: init_finter2d
    public :: delete_finter2d
    public :: finter2d


    !PURPOSE  : Linear interpolation of given data
    subroutine d_linear_spline_s(Xin,Fin,Xout,Fout)
      integer                      :: i,Lin,Lout
      real(8),dimension(:)         :: Xin
      real(8),dimension(size(Xin)) :: Fin
      real(8)                      :: Xout
      real(8)                      :: Fout
      real(8),dimension(1)         :: xout_,fout_
      integer                      :: k
      real(8)                      :: x,y,y0,y1,x0,x1
      logical                      :: identical=.true.
      Lin =size(Fin)
      xout_(1) = xout
      call interp_linear(1,Lin,Xin,Fin,1,xout_,fout_)
      Fout = fout_(1)
    end subroutine d_linear_spline_s
    subroutine d_linear_spline_v(Xin,Fin,Xout,Fout)
      integer                       :: i,Lin,Lout
      real(8),dimension(:)          :: Xin
      real(8),dimension(size(Xin))  :: Fin
      real(8),dimension(:)          :: Xout
      real(8),dimension(size(Xout)) :: Fout
      integer                       :: k
      real(8)                       :: x,y,y0,y1,x0,x1
      logical                       :: identical=.true.
      Lin =size(Fin) ; Lout=size(Fout)
      if(Lin==Lout)call test_grid_equality_d(xin,xout,fin,fout)
      call interp_linear(1,Lin,Xin,Fin,Lout,Xout,Fout)
    end subroutine d_linear_spline_v
    subroutine c_linear_spline_s(Xin,Fin,Xout,Fout)
      integer                         :: i,Lin
      real(8),dimension(:)            :: Xin
      complex(8),dimension(size(Xin)) :: Fin
      real(8)                         :: Xout
      complex(8)                      :: Fout
      real(8)                         :: ref_,imf_
      Lin = size(Fin)
      call d_linear_spline_s(Xin,dreal(Fin),xout,ref_)
      call d_linear_spline_s(Xin,dimag(Fin),xout,imf_)
    end subroutine c_linear_spline_s
    subroutine c_linear_spline_v(Xin,Fin,Xout,Fout)
      integer                          :: i,Lin,Lout
      real(8),dimension(:)             :: Xin
      complex(8),dimension(size(Xin))  :: Fin
      real(8),dimension(:)             :: Xout
      complex(8),dimension(size(Xout)) :: Fout
      real(8),dimension(size(Xout))    :: dummyR,dummyI
      logical                          :: identical=.true.
      Lin =size(Xin) ; Lout=size(Xout)
      if(Lin==Lout)call test_grid_equality_c(xin,xout,fin,fout)
      call d_linear_spline_v(Xin,dreal(Fin),Xout,dummyR)
      call d_linear_spline_v(Xin,dimag(Fin),Xout,dummyI)
    end subroutine c_linear_spline_v


    !PURPOSE  : Generic SPLINE routine with polinomial approximation
    ! uses a local function to pass exactly N points to the polynomial
    ! interpolation routines, fixing the order of the approximation
    !HINT: N>20 is not reccomended.
    subroutine d_poly_spline_s(Xin,Fin,Xout,Fout,N)
      integer                      :: i,Lin,Lout,N_
      integer,optional             :: N
      real(8),dimension(:)         :: Xin
      real(8),dimension(size(Xin)) :: Fin
      real(8)                      :: Xout
      real(8)                      :: Fout
      type(finter_type)            :: pfinter
      Lin =size(Fin)
      N_    = 5 ; if(present(N))N_ = N
      call init_finter(pfinter,Xin,Fin,N_)
      Fout = finter(pfinter,Xout)
      call delete_finter(pfinter)
    end subroutine d_poly_spline_s
    subroutine d_poly_spline_v(Xin,Fin,Xout,Fout,N)
      integer                       :: i,Lin,Lout,N_
      integer,optional              :: N
      real(8),dimension(:)          :: Xin
      real(8),dimension(size(Xin))  :: Fin
      real(8),dimension(:)          :: Xout
      real(8),dimension(size(Xout)) :: Fout
      type(finter_type)                 :: pfinter
      Lin =size(Fin) ; Lout=size(Fout)
      if(Lin==Lout)call test_grid_equality_d(xin,xout,fin,fout)
      N_    = 5 ; if(present(N))N_ = N
      call init_finter(pfinter,Xin,Fin,N_)
      do i=1,Lout
      call delete_finter(pfinter)
    end subroutine d_poly_spline_v
    subroutine c_poly_spline_s(Xin,Fin,Xout,Fout,N)
      integer                         :: i,Lin,Lout
      integer,optional                :: N
      real(8),dimension(:)            :: Xin
      complex(8),dimension(size(Xin)) :: Fin
      real(8)                         :: Xout
      complex(8)                      :: Fout
      real(8)                         :: dummyR,dummyI
      Lin =size(Fin)
         call d_poly_spline_s(Xin,dreal(Fin),Xout,dummyR)
         call d_poly_spline_s(Xin,dimag(Fin),Xout,dummyI)
         call d_poly_spline_s(Xin,dreal(Fin),Xout,dummyR,N)
         call d_poly_spline_s(Xin,dimag(Fin),Xout,dummyI,N)
    end subroutine c_poly_spline_s
    subroutine c_poly_spline_v(Xin,Fin,Xout,Fout,N)
      integer                          :: i,Lin,Lout
      integer,optional                 :: N
      real(8),dimension(:)             :: Xin
      complex(8),dimension(size(Xin))  :: Fin
      real(8),dimension(:)             :: Xout
      complex(8),dimension(size(Xout)) :: Fout
      real(8),dimension(size(Fout))    :: dummyR,dummyI
      Lin =size(Fin) ; Lout=size(Fout)
      if(Lin==Lout)call test_grid_equality_c(xin,xout,fin,fout)
         call d_poly_spline_v(Xin,dreal(Fin),Xout,dummyR)
         call d_poly_spline_v(Xin,dimag(Fin),Xout,dummyI)
         call d_poly_spline_v(Xin,dreal(Fin),Xout,dummyR,N)
         call d_poly_spline_v(Xin,dimag(Fin),Xout,dummyI,N)
    end subroutine c_poly_spline_v


    !PURPOSE  : Interface to the DeBoer Cubic Spline routine.
    ! this routine works great with imaginary time GF
    subroutine d_cub_interp_s(Xin,Fin,Xout,Fout)
      integer                      :: i, j
      integer                      :: Lin, Lout
      real(8),dimension(:)         :: Xin
      real(8),dimension(size(Xin)) :: Fin
      real(8)                      :: Xout
      real(8)                      :: Fout
      real(8)                      :: xa(1:size(Fin)), ya(4,1:size(Fin))
      real(8)                      :: x, y
      real(8),external             :: ppvalu
      Lin = size(Fin) 
      xa(:)  = Xin(:)
      ya(1,:)= Fin(:)
      call CUBSPL(xa,ya,Lin,0,0)
      x = Xout
      Fout = PPVALU(xa,ya,Lin-1,4,x,0)
      ! if(Xin(Lin) >= Xout)Fout=Fin(Lin)
    end subroutine d_cub_interp_s
    subroutine d_cub_interp_v(Xin,Fin,Xout,Fout)
      integer                       :: i, j
      integer                       :: Lin, Lout
      real(8),dimension(:)          :: Xin
      real(8),dimension(size(Xin))  :: Fin
      real(8),dimension(:)          :: Xout
      real(8),dimension(size(Xout)) :: Fout
      real(8)                       :: xa(1:size(Fin)), ya(4,1:size(Fin))
      real(8)                       :: x, y
      real(8),external              :: ppvalu
      Lin = size(Fin) ; Lout= size(Fout)
      if(Lin==Lout)call test_grid_equality_d(xin,xout,fin,fout)
      xa(:)  = Xin(:)
      ya(1,:)= Fin(:)
      call CUBSPL(xa,ya,Lin,0,0)
      do i=1,Lout
         x = Xout(i)
         Fout(i) = PPVALU(xa,ya,Lin-1,4,x,0)
      ! if(Xin(Lin) >= Xout(Lout))then
      !    Fout(Lout)=Fin(Lin)
      ! ! else
      ! !    Fout(Lout) = Fout(Lout-2) + &
      ! !         (Xout(Lout)-Xout(Lout-2))/(Xout(Lout-1)-Xout(Lout-2))*(Fout(Lout-1)-Fout(Lout-2))
      ! !    print*,Fout(Lout)
      ! endif
    end subroutine d_cub_interp_v
    subroutine c_cub_interp_s(Xin,Fin,Xout,Fout)
      integer                         :: i, j
      integer                         :: Lin, Lout
      real(8),dimension(:)            :: Xin
      complex(8),dimension(size(Xin)) :: Fin
      real(8)                         :: Xout
      complex(8)                      :: Fout
      real(8)                         :: reFout,imFout
      Lin = size(Fin)
      call d_cub_interp_s(Xin,dreal(Fin),Xout,reFout)
      call d_cub_interp_s(Xin,dimag(Fin),Xout,imFout)
    end subroutine c_cub_interp_s
    subroutine c_cub_interp_v(Xin,Fin,Xout,Fout)
      integer                          :: i, j
      integer                          :: Lin, Lout
      real(8),dimension(:)             :: Xin
      complex(8),dimension(size(Xin))  :: Fin
      real(8),dimension(:)             :: Xout
      complex(8),dimension(size(Xout)) :: Fout
      real(8),dimension(size(Xout))    :: reFout,imFout
      Lin = size(Fin)   ; Lout= size(Fout)
      if(Lin==Lout)call test_grid_equality_c(xin,xout,fin,fout)
      call d_cub_interp_v(Xin,dreal(Fin),Xout,reFout)
      call d_cub_interp_v(Xin,dimag(Fin),Xout,imFout)
    end subroutine c_cub_interp_v

    !PURPOSE  : This function uses bilinear interpolation to estimate 
    ! the value of a function f at point (x,y).
    ! f is assumed to be sampled on a regular grid, with the grid x values specified
    ! by x_array and the grid y values specified by y_array
    ! Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilinear_interpolation
    subroutine d_linear_spline_2d_s(xin,yin,fin,xout,yout,fout)
      real(8),dimension(:)                   :: xin
      real(8),dimension(:)                   :: yin
      real(8),dimension(size(xin),size(yin)) :: fin
      integer                                :: Lxin,Lyin
      real(8)                                :: xout
      real(8)                                :: yout
      real(8)                                :: fout
      fout = bilinear_interpolate(xin,yin,fin,xout,yout)
    end subroutine d_linear_spline_2d_s
    subroutine d_linear_spline_2d_v(xin,yin,fin,xout,yout,fout)
      real(8),dimension(:)                     :: xin
      real(8),dimension(:)                     :: yin
      real(8),dimension(size(xin),size(yin))   :: fin
      integer                                  :: Lxin,Lyin
      real(8),dimension(:)                     :: xout
      real(8),dimension(:)                     :: yout
      real(8),dimension(size(xout),size(yout)) :: fout
      integer                                  :: Lxout,Lyout
      integer                                  :: ix,iy
      real(8)                                  :: x,y
      Lxin = size(xin) ; Lyin = size(yin)
      Lxout= size(xout); Lyout=size(yout)
      do ix=1,Lxout
         x = xout(ix)
         do iy=1,Lyout
            y = yout(iy)
            fout(ix,iy) = bilinear_interpolate(xin,yin,fin,x,y)
    end subroutine d_linear_spline_2d_v
    subroutine c_linear_spline_2d_s(xin,yin,fin,xout,yout,fout)
      real(8),dimension(:)                      :: xin
      real(8),dimension(:)                      :: yin
      complex(8),dimension(size(xin),size(yin)) :: fin
      integer                                   :: Lxin,Lyin
      real(8)                                   :: xout
      real(8)                                   :: yout
      complex(8)                                :: fout
      real(8)                                   :: ref,imf
      ref = bilinear_interpolate(xin,yin,dreal(fin),xout,yout)
      imf = bilinear_interpolate(xin,yin,dimag(fin),xout,yout)
    end subroutine c_linear_spline_2d_s
    subroutine c_linear_spline_2d_v(xin,yin,fin,xout,yout,fout)
      real(8),dimension(:)                     :: xin
      real(8),dimension(:)                     :: yin
      complex(8),dimension(size(xin),size(yin))   :: fin
      integer                                  :: Lxin,Lyin
      real(8),dimension(:)                     :: xout
      real(8),dimension(:)                     :: yout
      complex(8),dimension(size(xout),size(yout)) :: fout
      integer                                  :: Lxout,Lyout
      integer                                  :: ix,iy
      real(8)                                  :: x,y,ref,imf
      Lxin = size(xin) ; Lyin = size(yin)
      Lxout= size(xout); Lyout=size(yout)
      do ix=1,Lxout
         x = xout(ix)
         do iy=1,Lyout
            y = yout(iy)
            ref = bilinear_interpolate(xin,yin,dreal(fin),x,y)
            imf = bilinear_interpolate(xin,yin,dimag(fin),x,y)
            fout(ix,iy) = cmplx(ref,imf,8)
    end subroutine c_linear_spline_2d_v


    !PURPOSE  : Polynomial interpolation of 2D surface using 
    ! local plaquette (order N**2).
    subroutine d_poly_spline_2d_s(xin,yin,fin,xout,yout,fout,N)
      real(8),dimension(:)                   :: xin
      real(8),dimension(:)                   :: yin
      real(8),dimension(size(xin),size(yin)) :: fin
      integer                                :: Lxin,Lyin
      integer,optional                       :: N
      integer                                :: N_
      real(8)                                :: xout
      real(8)                                :: yout
      real(8)                                :: fout
      type(finter2d_type)                    :: pfinter
      Lxin = size(xin)
      N_    = 5 ; if(present(N))N_ = N
      call init_finter2d(pfinter,Xin,Yin,Fin,N_)
      fout = finter2d(pfinter,xout,yout)
      call delete_finter2d(pfinter)
    end subroutine d_poly_spline_2d_s
    subroutine d_poly_spline_2d_v(xin,yin,fin,xout,yout,fout,N)
      real(8),dimension(:)                     :: xin
      real(8),dimension(:)                     :: yin
      real(8),dimension(size(xin),size(yin))   :: fin
      integer                                  :: Lxin,Lyin
      integer,optional                         :: N
      integer                                  :: N_
      real(8),dimension(:)                     :: xout
      real(8),dimension(:)                     :: yout
      real(8),dimension(size(xout),size(yout)) :: fout
      integer                                  :: Lxout,Lyout
      integer                                  :: ix,iy
      real(8)                                  :: x,y
      type(finter2d_type)                      :: pfinter
      Lxin = size(xin) ; Lyin = size(yin)
      Lxout= size(xout); Lyout=size(yout)
      if(Lxin==Lxout.AND.Lyin==Lyout)call test_grid_equality_d(xin,xout,fin,fout)
      N_    = 5 ; if(present(N))N_ = N
      call init_finter2d(pfinter,Xin,Yin,Fin,N_)
      do ix=1,Lxout
         x = xout(ix)
         do iy=1,Lyout
            y = yout(iy)
            fout(ix,iy) = finter2d(pfinter,x,y)
      call delete_finter2d(pfinter)
    end subroutine d_poly_spline_2d_v
    subroutine c_poly_spline_2d_s(xin,yin,fin,xout,yout,fout,N)
      real(8),dimension(:)                      :: xin
      real(8),dimension(:)                      :: yin
      complex(8),dimension(size(xin),size(yin)) :: fin
      integer                                   :: Lxin,Lyin
      integer,optional                          :: N
      integer                                   :: N_
      real(8)                                   :: xout
      real(8)                                   :: yout
      complex(8)                                :: fout
      real(8)                                   :: ref,imf
         call d_poly_spline_2d_s(Xin,Yin,dreal(Fin),Xout,Yout,ref)
         call d_poly_spline_2d_s(Xin,Yin,dimag(Fin),Xout,Yout,imf)
         call d_poly_spline_2d_s(Xin,Yin,dreal(Fin),Xout,Yout,ref,N)
         call d_poly_spline_2d_s(Xin,Yin,dimag(Fin),Xout,Yout,imf,N)
    end subroutine c_poly_spline_2d_s
    subroutine c_poly_spline_2d_v(xin,yin,fin,xout,yout,fout,N)
      real(8),dimension(:)                        :: xin
      real(8),dimension(:)                        :: yin
      complex(8),dimension(size(xin),size(yin))   :: fin
      integer                                     :: Lxin,Lyin
      integer,optional                            :: N
      integer                                     :: N_
      real(8),dimension(:)                        :: xout
      real(8),dimension(:)                        :: yout
      complex(8),dimension(size(xout),size(yout)) :: fout
      real(8),dimension(size(xout),size(yout))    :: ref,imf
      integer                                     :: Lxout,Lyout
      Lxin = size(xin) ; Lyin = size(yin)
      Lxout= size(xout); Lyout=size(yout)
      if(Lxin==Lxout.AND.Lyin==Lyout)call test_grid_equality_c(xin,xout,fin,fout)
         call d_poly_spline_2d_v(Xin,Yin,dreal(Fin),Xout,Yout,ref)
         call d_poly_spline_2d_v(Xin,Yin,dimag(Fin),Xout,Yout,imf)
         call d_poly_spline_2d_v(Xin,Yin,dreal(Fin),Xout,Yout,ref,N)
         call d_poly_spline_2d_v(Xin,Yin,dimag(Fin),Xout,Yout,imf,N)
    end subroutine c_poly_spline_2d_v

    ! computational ROUTINES:
    include "interpolate_finter_1d.f90"
    include "interpolate_finter_2d.f90"

    !PURPOSE  :  test equality of grids and functions
    subroutine test_grid_equality_d(xin,xout,Fin,Fout)
      real(8),dimension(:)         :: xin,xout
      real(8),dimension(size(xin)) :: fin,fout
      logical                      :: equal=.true.
      integer                      :: i,L
      do i=1,L
         write(*,"(A)")"msg: test_grid_equlity: Fout=Fin. Exit."
    end subroutine test_grid_equality_d
    subroutine test_grid_equality_c(xin,xout,Fin,Fout)
      real(8),dimension(:)            :: xin,xout
      complex(8),dimension(size(xin)) :: fin,fout
      logical                         :: equal=.true.
      integer                         :: i,L
      do i=1,L
         write(*,"(A)")"msg: test_grid_equlity: Fout=Fin. Exit."
    end subroutine test_grid_equality_c


    function bilinear_interpolate(xgrid,ygrid,fgrid,x,y,delta) result(finterpolate)
      real(8), dimension(:),intent(in)                        :: xgrid
      real(8), dimension(:),intent(in)                        :: ygrid
      real(8), dimension(size(xgrid),size(ygrid)), intent(in) :: fgrid
      real(8), intent(in)                                     :: x,y
      real(8), intent(in), optional                           :: delta
      real(8)                                                 :: denom, x1, x2, y1, y2
      real(8)                                                 :: Q11,Q12,Q21,Q22
      real(8) :: finterpolate
      integer                                                 :: i,j
      !Get the indices of the bottom-leftmost point in the grid near the givem (x,y)
      i = locate(xgrid, x)!binary_search(xgrid, x)
      j = locate(ygrid, y)!binary_search(ygrid, y)
      x1 = xgrid(i)
      x2 = xgrid(i+1)
      y1 = ygrid(j)
      y2 = ygrid(j+1)
      denom = (x2-x1)*(y2-y1)
      Q11 = fgrid(i  ,j  )
      Q21 = fgrid(i+1,j  ) 
      Q22 = fgrid(i+1,j+1)
      Q12 = fgrid(i  ,j+1)    
      finterpolate = (&
           Q11*(x2-x)*(y2-y) + Q21*(x-x1)*(y2-y) + &
           Q12*(x2-x)*(y-y1) + Q22*(x-x1)*(y-y1) )/denom
    end function bilinear_interpolate

    ! !*******************************************************************
    ! !*******************************************************************
    ! !+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
    ! !PURPOSE  :  
    ! !+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
    ! subroutine interp_Gtau(FG1,FG2,L1,L2)
    !   integer             :: L1, L2
    !   real(8)             :: FG1(0:L1), FG2(0:L2)
    !   real(8)             :: FctL1(-L1:L1), FctL2(-L2:L2)
    !   real(8),allocatable :: xa(:), ya(:,:)!, y2(:)
    !   integer             :: L11, L12, L13
    !   real(8)             :: x, y
    !   integer             :: i, j
    !   real(8),external    :: ppvalu
    !   FctL1(0:L1)=FG1 ; forall(i=1:L1)FctL1(-i)=-FctL1(L1-i)
    !   L11 = L1 + 1
    !   L12 = L1 + 2
    !   L13 = L1 + 3
    !   allocate(xa(L11),ya(4,L11))
    !   do i=1, L11
    !      xa(i)=dble(i-1)/dble(L1)
    !      ya(1,i)=FctL1(i-1)
    !   enddo
    !   call CUBSPL(xa,ya,L11,0,0)
    !   do i=1, L2
    !      x=dble(i)/dble(L2)
    !      FctL2(i)=PPVALU(xa,ya,L1,4,x,0)
    !   enddo
    !   FctL2(0)=FctL1(0)
    !   ! do i=1, L2
    !   !    FctL2(-i)=-FctL2(L2-i)
    !   ! enddo
    !   FG2=FctL2(0:L2)
    ! end subroutine interp_Gtau


    ! !+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
    ! !PURPOSE  : Sample a given function G(tau) over Nfak < N points.
    ! !COMMENTS : Incoming function is expected to have N+1 points (tau=0,beta)
    ! !this is modification with respect to the std extract routine used in
    ! !HFqmc.
    ! ! g0 has N+1 points
    ! ! g00 will have Nfak+1 (tau_fak=0,beta)
    ! !+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
    ! subroutine extract_gtau(g0,g00)
    !   real(8),dimension(0:)  :: g0 !0:L
    !   real(8),dimension(0:) :: g00 !0:Lfak
    !   integer :: N,Nfak
    !   integer :: i,ip
    !   real(8) :: p,mismatch
    !   N=size(g0)-1
    !   Nfak=size(g00)-1
    !   g00(0)=g0(0)
    !   if(g0(0) > 0.d0) g00(Nfak)=1.d0-g0(0)
    !   if(g0(0) < 0.d0) g00(Nfak)=-(g0(0)+1.d0)
    !   mismatch=dble(N)/dble(Nfak)
    !   do i=1,Nfak-1
    !      p=dble(i)*mismatch
    !      ip=int(p)
    !      g00(i)=g0(ip)
    !   enddo
    ! end subroutine extract_gtau

    ! !+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
    ! !PURPOSE  : Interface to NR polint. This is an alternative to the 
    ! ! poly_spline above. This one try to use all the available points
    ! ! in the in-grids
    ! !+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
    ! subroutine poly_spline_d(xin,fin,xout,fout)
    !   real(8),dimension(:)          :: xin
    !   real(8),dimension(size(xin))  :: fin
    !   real(8)                       :: xout
    !   real(8)                       :: fout
    !   integer                       :: i
    !   real(8)                       :: x,y,dy
    !   call polint(xin,fin,xout,fout,dy)
    ! end subroutine poly_spline_d
    ! !
    ! subroutine poly_spline_dv(xin,fin,xout,fout)
    !   real(8),dimension(:)          :: xin
    !   real(8),dimension(size(xin))  :: fin
    !   integer                       :: Lin
    !   real(8),dimension(:)          :: xout
    !   real(8),dimension(size(xout)) :: fout
    !   integer                       :: Lout
    !   integer                       :: i,j
    !   real(8)                       :: x,y,dy
    !   Lout= size(xout)
    !   do i=1,Lout
    !      x = xout(i)
    !      call polint(xin,fin,x,y,dy)
    !      fout(i)=y
    !   enddo
    ! end subroutine poly_spline_dv
    ! !
    ! subroutine poly_spline_c(xin,fin,xout,fout)
    !   real(8),dimension(:)            :: xin
    !   complex(8),dimension(size(xin)) :: fin
    !   real(8)                         :: xout
    !   complex(8)                      :: fout
    !   integer                         :: i,j
    !   real(8)                         :: x,rey,imy,dy
    !   call polint(xin,dreal(fin),xout,rey,dy)
    !   call polint(xin,dimag(fin),xout,imy,dy)
    !   fout=cmplx(rey,imy,8)
    ! end subroutine poly_spline_c
    ! !
    ! subroutine poly_spline_cv(xin,fin,xout,fout)
    !   real(8),dimension(:)             :: xin
    !   complex(8),dimension(size(xin))  :: fin
    !   real(8),dimension(:)             :: xout
    !   complex(8),dimension(size(xout)) :: fout
    !   integer                          :: Lout
    !   integer                          :: i,j
    !   real(8)                          :: x,rey,imy,dy
    !   Lout= size(xout)
    !   do i=1,Lout
    !      x = xout(i)
    !      call polint(xin,dreal(fin),x,rey,dy)
    !      call polint(xin,dimag(fin),x,imy,dy)
    !      fout(i)=cmplx(rey,imy,8)
    !   enddo
    ! end subroutine poly_spline_cv

    ! subroutine d_poly_fspline_2d_v(xin,yin,fin,xout,yout,fout,N)
    !   real(8),dimension(:)                     :: xin
    !   real(8),dimension(:)                     :: yin
    !   real(8),dimension(size(xin),size(yin))   :: fin
    !   integer                                  :: Lxin,Lyin
    !   real(8),dimension(:)                     :: xout
    !   real(8),dimension(:)                     :: yout
    !   real(8),dimension(size(xout),size(yout)) :: fout
    !   integer                                  :: Lxout,Lyout
    !   integer :: N
    !   integer                                  :: ix,iy
    !   real(8),dimension(:,:),allocatable       :: fxtmp
    !   Lxin = size(xin) ; Lyin = size(yin)
    !   Lxout= size(xout); Lyout=size(yout)
    !   allocate(fxtmp(Lxout,Lyin))
    !   do iy=1,Lyin              !loop sulle righe griglia-vecchia
    !      call poly_spline(xin,fin(:,iy),xout,fxtmp(:,iy),N) !spline sulle colonne, dell'ix-esima riga
    !   enddo
    !   do ix=1,Lxout
    !      call poly_spline(yin,fxtmp(ix,:),yout,fout(ix,:),N)
    !   enddo
    ! end subroutine  d_poly_fspline_2d_v
    ! !+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
    ! subroutine c_poly_fspline_2d_v(xin,yin,fin,xout,yout,fout,N)
    !   real(8),dimension(:)                        :: xin
    !   real(8),dimension(:)                        :: yin
    !   complex(8),dimension(size(xin),size(yin))   :: fin
    !   integer :: N
    !   integer                                     :: Lxin,Lyin
    !   real(8),dimension(:)                        :: xout
    !   real(8),dimension(:)                        :: yout
    !   complex(8),dimension(size(xout),size(yout)) :: fout
    !   integer                                     :: Lxout,Lyout
    !   real(8),dimension(:,:),allocatable          :: reF,imF
    !   Lxin = size(xin) ; Lyin = size(yin)
    !   Lxout= size(xout); Lyout=size(yout)
    !   allocate(reF(Lxout,Lyout),imF(Lxout,Lyout))
    !   call d_poly_spline_2d_v(xin,yin,dreal(fin),xout,yout,reF,N)
    !   call d_poly_spline_2d_v(xin,yin,dimag(fin),xout,yout,imF,N)
    !   fout=cmplx(reF,imF,8)
    !   deallocate(reF,imF)
    ! end subroutine  c_poly_fspline_2d_v

  end module SF_INTERPOLATE