l2err Subroutine

subroutine l2err(iprfun, ftau, error)


! L2ERR computes the errors of an L2 approximation.


This routine computes various errors of the current L2 approximation,
whose piecewise polynomial representation is contained in common
block APPROX, to the given data contained in common block DATA.

It prints out the average error ERRL1, the L2 error ERRL2, and the
maximum error ERRMAX.


16 February 2007


Carl DeBoor


Carl DeBoor,
A Practical Guide to Splines,
Springer, 2001,
ISBN: 0387953663,
LC: QA1.A647.v27.


Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPRFUN.  If IPRFUN = 1, the routine prints out
the value of the approximation as well as its error at
every data point.

Output, real ( kind = 8 ) FTAU(NTAU), contains the value of the computed
approximation at each value TAU(1:NTAU).

Output, real ( kind = 8 ) ERROR(NTAU), with
  ERROR(I) = SCALE * ( G - F )(TAU(I)).  Here, SCALE equals 1
in case IPRFUN /= 1, or the absolute error is greater than 100
somewhere.  Otherwise, SCALE is such that the maximum of the
absolute value of ERROR(1:NTAU) lies between 10 and 100.  This
makes the printed output more illustrative.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer(kind=4) :: iprfun
real(kind=8) :: ftau(ntau)
real(kind=8) :: error(ntau)

Common Blocks

colloc (subroutine)
difequ (subroutine)
colloc (subroutine)
difequ (subroutine)
l2err (subroutine)
"> common /approx/

Type Attributes Name Initial
real :: break(lpkmax)
real :: coef(ltkmax)
integer(kind=4) :: l
integer(kind=4) :: k

l2appr (subroutine)
l2appr (subroutine)
l2err (subroutine)
"> common /i4data/

Type Attributes Name Initial
integer(kind=4) :: ntau

l2appr (subroutine)
l2appr (subroutine)
l2err (subroutine)
"> common /r8data/

Type Attributes Name Initial
real :: tau(ntmax)
real :: gtau(ntmax)
real :: weight(ntmax)
real(kind=8) :: totalw

Source Code

subroutine l2err ( iprfun, ftau, error )

  !! L2ERR computes the errors of an L2 approximation.
  !  Discussion:
  !    This routine computes various errors of the current L2 approximation, 
  !    whose piecewise polynomial representation is contained in common 
  !    block APPROX, to the given data contained in common block DATA.  
  !    It prints out the average error ERRL1, the L2 error ERRL2, and the
  !    maximum error ERRMAX.
  !  Modified:
  !    16 February 2007
  !  Author:
  !    Carl DeBoor
  !  Reference:
  !    Carl DeBoor,
  !    A Practical Guide to Splines,
  !    Springer, 2001,
  !    ISBN: 0387953663,
  !    LC: QA1.A647.v27.
  !  Parameters: 
  !    Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPRFUN.  If IPRFUN = 1, the routine prints out
  !    the value of the approximation as well as its error at
  !    every data point.
  !    Output, real ( kind = 8 ) FTAU(NTAU), contains the value of the computed
  !    approximation at each value TAU(1:NTAU).
  !    Output, real ( kind = 8 ) ERROR(NTAU), with 
  !      ERROR(I) = SCALE * ( G - F )(TAU(I)).  Here, SCALE equals 1
  !    in case IPRFUN /= 1, or the absolute error is greater than 100 
  !    somewhere.  Otherwise, SCALE is such that the maximum of the
  !    absolute value of ERROR(1:NTAU) lies between 10 and 100.  This
  !    makes the printed output more illustrative.
  implicit none

  integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: lpkmax = 100
  integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: ntmax = 200
  integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: ltkmax = 2000

  integer ( kind = 4 ) ntau

  real ( kind = 8 ) break
  real ( kind = 8 ) coef
  real ( kind = 8 ) err
  real ( kind = 8 ) errl1
  real ( kind = 8 ) errl2
  real ( kind = 8 ) errmax
  real ( kind = 8 ) error(ntau)
  real ( kind = 8 ) ftau(ntau)
  real ( kind = 8 ) gtau
  integer ( kind = 4 ) ie
  integer ( kind = 4 ) iprfun
  integer ( kind = 4 ) k
  integer ( kind = 4 ) l
  integer ( kind = 4 ) ll
  real ( kind = 8 ) ppvalu
  real ( kind = 8 ) scale
  real ( kind = 8 ) tau
  real ( kind = 8 ) totalw
  real ( kind = 8 ) weight

  save / approx /
  save / i4data /
  save / r8data /

  common / approx / break(lpkmax), coef(ltkmax), l, k
  common / i4data / ntau
  common / r8data / tau(ntmax), gtau(ntmax), weight(ntmax), totalw

  errl1 = 0.0D+00
  errl2 = 0.0D+00
  errmax = 0.0D+00

  do ll = 1, ntau

     ftau(ll) = ppvalu ( break, coef, l, k, tau(ll), 0 )

     error(ll) = gtau(ll) - ftau(ll)
     err = abs(error(ll))

     if ( errmax < err ) then
        errmax = err
     end if

     errl1 = errl1 + err * weight(ll)
     errl2 = errl2 + err**2 * weight(ll)

  end do

  errl1 = errl1 / totalw
  errl2 = sqrt ( errl2 / totalw )

  write ( *, '(a)' ) ' '
  write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) '  Least square error = ', errl2
  write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) '  Average error      = ', errl1
  write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) '  Maximum error      = ', errmax
  write ( *, '(a)' ) ' '

  if ( iprfun /= 1 ) then
  end if
  !  Scale error curve and print.
  ie = 0
  scale = 1.0D+00

  if ( errmax < 10.0D+00 ) then

     do ie = 1, 9
        scale = scale * 10.0D+00
        if ( 10.0D+00 <= errmax * scale ) then
        end if
     end do

  end if

  error(1:ntau) = error(1:ntau) * scale

  write ( *, '(a)' ) ' '
  write ( *, '(a)' ) '  Approximation and scaled error curve'
  write ( *, '(a)' ) ' '
  write ( *, '(a,i1)' ) &
       '       Data point       Approximation   Deviation x 10**', ie
  write ( *, '(a)' ) ' '
  write ( *, '(i4,f16.8,f16.8,f17.6)' ) &
       ( ll, tau(ll), ftau(ll), error(ll), ll = 1, ntau )

end subroutine l2err