l2appr Subroutine

subroutine l2appr(t, n, k, q, diag, bcoef)


! L2APPR constructs a weighted L2 spline approximation to given data.


The routine constructs the weighted discrete L2-approximation by
splines of order K with knot sequence T(1:N+K) to
given data points ( TAU(1:NTAU), GTAU(1:NTAU) ).

The B-spline coefficients BCOEF of the approximating spline are
determined from the normal equations using Cholesky's method.


The B-spline coefficients of the L2-approximation are determined as the
solution of the normal equations, for 1 <= I <= N:

  sum ( 1 <= J <= N ) ( B(I), B(J) ) * BCOEF(J) = ( B(I), G ).

Here, B(I) denotes the I-th B-spline, G denotes the function to
be approximated, and the inner product of two functions F and G
is given by

  ( F, G ) = sum ( 1 <= I <= NTAU ) WEIGHT(I) * F(TAU(I)) * G(TAU(I)).

The arrays TAU and WEIGHT are given in common block DATA, as is the
array GTAU(1:NTAU) = G(TAU(1:NTAU)).

The values of the B-splines B(1:N) are supplied by BSPLVB.

The coefficient matrix C, with

   C(I,J) = ( B(I), B(J) )

of the normal equations is symmetric and (2*K-1)-banded, therefore
can be specified by giving its K bands at or below the diagonal.

For I = 1:N and J = I:min(I+K-1,N), we store

  ( B(I), B(J) ) = C(I,J)



and the right hand side

  ( B(I), G )



Since B-spline values are most efficiently generated by finding
simultaneously the value of every nonzero B-spline at one point,
the entries of C (that is, of Q), are generated by computing, for
each LL, all the terms involving TAU(LL) simultaneously and adding
them to all relevant entries.


14 February 2007


Carl DeBoor


Carl DeBoor,
A Practical Guide to Splines,
Springer, 2001,
ISBN: 0387953663,
LC: QA1.A647.v27.


Input, real ( kind = 8 ) T(N+K), the knot sequence.

Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the dimension of the space of splines
of order K with knots T.

Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) K, the order of the splines.

Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) Q(K,N), used to store the K lower
diagonals of the Gramian matrix C.

Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) DIAG(N), used in BCHFAC.

Output, real ( kind = 8 ) BCOEF(N), the B-spline coefficients of
the L2 approximation to the data.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=8) :: t(n+k)
integer(kind=4) :: n
integer(kind=4) :: k
real(kind=8) :: q(k,n)
real(kind=8) :: diag(n)
real(kind=8) :: bcoef(n)


proc~~l2appr~~CallsGraph proc~l2appr l2appr bchfac bchfac proc~l2appr->bchfac bchslv bchslv proc~l2appr->bchslv bsplvb bsplvb proc~l2appr->bsplvb

Common Blocks

l2err (subroutine)
l2appr (subroutine)
l2err (subroutine)
"> common /i4data/

Type Attributes Name Initial
integer(kind=4) :: ntau

l2err (subroutine)
l2appr (subroutine)
l2err (subroutine)
"> common /r8data/

Type Attributes Name Initial
real :: tau(ntmax)
real :: gtau(ntmax)
real :: weight(ntmax)
real(kind=8) :: totalw

Source Code

subroutine l2appr ( t, n, k, q, diag, bcoef )

  !! L2APPR constructs a weighted L2 spline approximation to given data.
  !  Discussion:
  !    The routine constructs the weighted discrete L2-approximation by 
  !    splines of order K with knot sequence T(1:N+K) to 
  !    given data points ( TAU(1:NTAU), GTAU(1:NTAU) ).  
  !    The B-spline coefficients BCOEF of the approximating spline are 
  !    determined from the normal equations using Cholesky's method.
  !  Method:
  !    The B-spline coefficients of the L2-approximation are determined as the 
  !    solution of the normal equations, for 1 <= I <= N:
  !      sum ( 1 <= J <= N ) ( B(I), B(J) ) * BCOEF(J) = ( B(I), G ).
  !    Here, B(I) denotes the I-th B-spline, G denotes the function to
  !    be approximated, and the inner product of two functions F and G 
  !    is given by
  !      ( F, G ) = sum ( 1 <= I <= NTAU ) WEIGHT(I) * F(TAU(I)) * G(TAU(I)).
  !    The arrays TAU and WEIGHT are given in common block DATA, as is the 
  !    array GTAU(1:NTAU) = G(TAU(1:NTAU)).
  !    The values of the B-splines B(1:N) are supplied by BSPLVB.
  !    The coefficient matrix C, with
  !       C(I,J) = ( B(I), B(J) )
  !    of the normal equations is symmetric and (2*K-1)-banded, therefore
  !    can be specified by giving its K bands at or below the diagonal. 
  !    For I = 1:N and J = I:min(I+K-1,N), we store
  !      ( B(I), B(J) ) = C(I,J) 
  !    in
  !      Q(I-J+1,J), 
  !    and the right hand side
  !      ( B(I), G )  
  !    in
  !      BCOEF(I).
  !    Since B-spline values are most efficiently generated by finding
  !    simultaneously the value of every nonzero B-spline at one point,
  !    the entries of C (that is, of Q), are generated by computing, for
  !    each LL, all the terms involving TAU(LL) simultaneously and adding
  !    them to all relevant entries.
  !  Modified:
  !    14 February 2007
  !  Author:
  !    Carl DeBoor
  !  Reference:
  !    Carl DeBoor,
  !    A Practical Guide to Splines,
  !    Springer, 2001,
  !    ISBN: 0387953663,
  !    LC: QA1.A647.v27.
  !  Parameters:
  !    Input, real ( kind = 8 ) T(N+K), the knot sequence.
  !    Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the dimension of the space of splines 
  !    of order K with knots T.
  !    Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) K, the order of the splines.
  !    Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) Q(K,N), used to store the K lower 
  !    diagonals of the Gramian matrix C.
  !    Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) DIAG(N), used in BCHFAC.
  !    Output, real ( kind = 8 ) BCOEF(N), the B-spline coefficients of
  !    the L2 approximation to the data.
  implicit none

  integer ( kind = 4 ) k
  integer ( kind = 4 ) n
  integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: ntmax = 200

  real ( kind = 8 ) bcoef(n)
  real ( kind = 8 ) biatx(k)
  real ( kind = 8 ) diag(n)
  real ( kind = 8 ) dw
  real ( kind = 8 ) gtau
  integer ( kind = 4 ) i
  integer ( kind = 4 ) j
  integer ( kind = 4 ) jj
  integer ( kind = 4 ) left
  integer ( kind = 4 ) leftmk
  integer ( kind = 4 ) ll
  integer ( kind = 4 ) mm
  integer ( kind = 4 ) ntau
  real ( kind = 8 ) q(k,n)
  real ( kind = 8 ) t(n+k)
  real ( kind = 8 ) tau
  real ( kind = 8 ) totalw
  real ( kind = 8 ) weight

  save / i4data /
  save / r8data /

  common / i4data / ntau
  common / r8data / tau(ntmax), gtau(ntmax), weight(ntmax), totalw

  bcoef(1:n) = 0.0D+00
  q(1:k,1:n) = 0.0D+00

  left = k
  leftmk = 0

  do ll = 1, ntau
     !  Locate LEFT such that TAU(LL) is in ( T(LEFT), T(LEFT+1) ).

        if ( left == n ) then
        end if

        if ( tau(ll) < t(left+1) ) then
        end if

        left = left + 1
        leftmk = leftmk + 1

     end do

     call bsplvb ( t, k, 1, tau(ll), left, biatx )
     !  BIATX(MM) contains the value of B(LEFT-K+MM) at TAU(LL).
     !  Hence, with DW = BIATX(MM) * WEIGHT(LL), the number DW * GTAU(LL)
     !  is a summand in the inner product
     !    ( B(LEFT-K+MM), G)
     !  which goes into  BCOEF(LEFT-K+MM)
     !  and the number BIATX(JJ)*DW is a summand in the inner product
     !    (B(LEFT-K+JJ), B(LEFT-K+MM)), into  Q(JJ-MM+1,LEFT-K+MM)
     !  since  (LEFT-K+JJ)-(LEFT-K+MM)+1 = JJ - MM + 1.
     do mm = 1, k

        dw = biatx(mm) * weight(ll)
        j = leftmk + mm
        bcoef(j) = dw * gtau(ll) + bcoef(j)
        i = 1

        do jj = mm, k
           q(i,j) = biatx(jj) * dw + q(i,j)
           i = i + 1
        end do

     end do

  end do
  !  Construct the Cholesky factorization for C in Q, then 
  !  use it to solve the normal equations
  !    C * X = BCOEF
  !  for X, and store X in BCOEF.
  call bchfac ( q, k, n, diag )

  call bchslv ( q, k, n, bcoef )

end subroutine l2appr