linalg_eigh.f90 Source File

Source Code

!PURPOSE:  eigenvalue/-vector problem for real symmetric/complex hermitian matrices:
subroutine deigh_generalized(Am, Bm, lam, c)
  ! solves generalized eigen value problem for all eigenvalues and eigenvectors
  ! Am must by symmetric, Bm symmetric positive definite. ! Only the lower triangular part of Am and Bm is used.
  real(8), intent(in)  :: Am(:,:)   ! LHS matrix: Am c = lam Bm c
  real(8), intent(in)  :: Bm(:,:)   ! RHS matrix: Am c = lam Bm c
  real(8), intent(out) :: lam(:)   ! eigenvalues: Am c = lam Bm c
  real(8), intent(out) :: c(:,:)   ! eigenvectors: Am c = lam Bm c; c(i,j) = ith component of jth vec.
  integer              :: n
  ! lapack variables
  integer              :: lwork, liwork, info
  integer, allocatable :: iwork(:)
  real(8), allocatable :: Bmt(:,:), work(:)
  ! solve
  n = size(Am,1)
  call assert_shape(Am, [n, n], "eigh", "Am")
  call assert_shape(Bm, [n, n], "eigh", "B")
  call assert_shape(c, [n, n], "eigh", "c")
  lwork = 1 + 6*n + 2*n**2
  liwork = 3 + 5*n
  allocate(Bmt(n,n), work(lwork), iwork(liwork))
  c = Am; Bmt = Bm  ! Bmt temporaries overwritten by dsygvd
  call dsygvd(1,'V','L',n,c,n,Bmt,n,lam,work,lwork,iwork,liwork,info)
  if (info /= 0) then
     print *, "dsygvd returned info =", info
     if (info < 0) then
        print *, "the", -info, "-th argument had an illegal value"
     else if (info <= n) then
        print *, "the algorithm failed to compute an eigenvalue while working"
        print *, "on the submatrix lying in rows and columns", 1d0*info/(n+1)
        print *, "through", mod(info, n+1)
        print *, "The leading minor of order ", info-n, &
             "of B is not positive definite. The factorization of B could ", &
             "not be completed and no eigenvalues or eigenvectors were computed."
     end if
     stop 'deigh_generalized error: dsygvd'
  end if
end subroutine deigh_generalized
subroutine zeigh_generalized(Am, Bm, lam, c)
  ! solves generalized eigen value problem for all eigenvalues and eigenvectors
  ! Am must by hermitian, Bm hermitian positive definite.
  ! Only the lower triangular part of Am and Bm is used.
  complex(8), intent(in)  :: Am(:,:)   ! LHS matrix: Am c = lam Bm c
  complex(8), intent(in)  :: Bm(:,:)   ! RHS matrix: Am c = lam Bm c
  real(8), intent(out)    :: lam(:)      ! eigenvalues: Am c = lam Bm c
  complex(8), intent(out) :: c(:,:)   ! eigenvectors: Am c = lam Bm c; c(i,j) = ith component of jth vec.
  ! lapack variables
  integer                 :: info, liwork, lrwork, lwork, n
  integer, allocatable    :: iwork(:)
  real(8), allocatable    :: rwork(:)
  complex(8), allocatable :: Bmt(:,:), work(:)
  n = size(Am,1)
  call assert_shape(Am, [n, n], "eigh", "Am")
  call assert_shape(Bm, [n, n], "eigh", "Bm")
  call assert_shape(c, [n, n], "eigh", "c")
  lwork = 2*n + n**2
  lrwork = 1 + 5*N + 2*n**2
  liwork = 3 + 5*n
  allocate(Bmt(n,n), work(lwork), rwork(lrwork), iwork(liwork))
  c = Am; Bmt = Bm  ! Bmt temporary overwritten by zhegvd
  call zhegvd(1,'V','L',n,c,n,Bmt,n,lam,work,lwork,rwork,lrwork,iwork,liwork,info)
  if (info /= 0) then
     print *, "zhegvd returned info =", info
     if (info < 0) then
        print *, "the", -info, "-th argument had an illegal value"
     else if (info <= n) then
        print *, "the algorithm failed to compute an eigenvalue while working"
        print *, "on the submatrix lying in rows and columns", 1d0*info/(n+1)
        print *, "through", mod(info, n+1)
        print *, "The leading minor of order ", info-n, &
             "of B is not positive definite. The factorization of B could ", &
             "not be completed and no eigenvalues or eigenvectors were computed."
     end if
     stop 'deigh_generalized error: zhegvd'
  end if
end subroutine zeigh_generalized

subroutine deigh_simple(A,E,method,jobz,uplo,vl,vu,il,iu,tol)
  real(8),dimension(:,:),intent(inout)       :: A ! M v = E v/v(i,j) = ith component of jth vec.
  real(8),dimension(size(A,2)),intent(inout) :: E ! eigenvalues
  character(len=*),optional                  :: method
  character(len=1),optional                  :: jobz,uplo
  character(len=1)                           :: jobz_,uplo_,range
  character(len=20)                          :: method_
  real(8),optional                           :: vl,vu,tol
  integer,optional                           :: il,iu
  real(8)                                    :: vL_,vU_,tol_
  integer                                    :: iL_,iU_
  integer                                    :: Ns
  integer                                    :: i,j,info    
  integer                                    :: lwork,liwork,mE
  integer                                    :: guess_liwork(1)
  real(8)                                    :: guess_lwork(1)
  logical                                    :: boolV,boolI
  real(8),dimension(:,:),allocatable         :: Z
  real(8),dimension(:),allocatable           :: work,rwork
  integer,dimension(:),allocatable           :: Isuppz,Ifail
  integer,dimension(:),allocatable           :: Iwork
  jobz_='V'  ;if(present(jobz))jobz_=jobz
  uplo_='U'  ;if(present(uplo))uplo_=uplo
  vl_  = 1d0 ;if(present(vL))vL_=vL
  vu_  = 1d0 ;if(present(vU))vU_=vU
  iL_  = 1   ;if(present(iL))iL_=iL
  iU_  = 1   ;if(present(iU))iU_=iU
  tol_ = 0d0 ;if(present(tol))tol_=tol
  if(boolV.and.boolI)stop "vX and iX arguments both present. Can not set RANGE"
  if(jobz_/='V'.AND.jobz_/='N')stop "deigh_simple error: jobz has illegal value"
  if(uplo_/='U'.AND.uplo_/='L')stop "deigh_simple error: uplo has illegal value"
  Ns = max(1,size(A,1))
  if(any(shape(A)/=[Ns,Ns]))stop "deigh_simple error: A has illegal shape"
  select case(method_)
  case ("dsyevr")
     call dsyevr(jobz_,range,uplo_,Ns,A,Ns,vl_,vu_,iL_,iU_,tol_,mE,E,Z,Ns,Isuppz,guess_lwork,-1,guess_liwork,-1,info)
     lwork = guess_lwork(1)
     liwork= guess_liwork(1)
     call dsyevr(jobz_,range,uplo_,Ns,A,Ns,vl_,vu_,iL_,iU_,tol_,mE,E,Z,Ns,Isuppz,work,lwork,iwork,liwork,info)
     if(jobz_=='V') A(:,1:mE) = Z(:,1:mE)
  case ("dsyev")
     call dsyev(jobz_,uplo_,Ns,A,Ns,E,guess_lwork,-1,info)
     lwork = guess_lwork(1)
     call dsyev(jobz_,uplo_,Ns,A,Ns,E,work,lwork,info)
  case default
     ! case("dsyevd")
     call dsyevd(jobz_,uplo_,Ns,A,Ns,E,guess_lwork,-1,guess_liwork,-1,info)
     lwork = guess_lwork(1)
     liwork= guess_liwork(1)
     call dsyevd(jobz_,uplo_,Ns,A,Ns,E,work,lwork,iwork,liwork,info)
  case ("dsyevx")
     call dsyevx(jobz_,range,uplo_,Ns,A,Ns,vl_,vu_,iL_,iU_,tol_,mE,E,Z,Ns,guess_lwork,-1,rwork,iwork,ifail,info)
     lwork = guess_lwork(1)
     call dsyevx(jobz_,range,uplo_,Ns,A,Ns,vl_,vu_,iL_,iU_,tol_,mE,E,Z,Ns,work,lwork,rwork,iwork,ifail,info)
     if(jobz_=='V') A(:,1:mE) = Z(:,1:mE)
  end select
end subroutine deigh_simple

subroutine zeigh_simple(A,E,method,jobz,uplo,vl,vu,il,iu,tol)
  complex(8),dimension(:,:),intent(inout)       :: A ! M v = E v/v(i,j) = ith cmpt of jth vec.
  real(8),dimension(size(A,2)),intent(inout) :: E ! eigenvalues
  character(len=*),optional                  :: method
  character(len=1),optional                  :: jobz,uplo
  character(len=1)                           :: jobz_,uplo_,range
  character(len=20)                          :: method_
  real(8),optional                           :: vl,vu,tol
  integer,optional                           :: il,iu
  real(8)                                    :: vL_,vU_,tol_
  integer                                    :: iL_,iU_
  integer                                    :: Ns
  integer                                    :: i,j,info    
  integer                                    :: lwork,liwork,lrwork,mE
  complex(8)                                 :: guess_lwork(1)
  real(8)                                    :: guess_lrwork(1)
  integer                                    :: guess_liwork(1)
  logical                                    :: boolV,boolI
  complex(8),dimension(:,:),allocatable      :: Z
  complex(8),dimension(:),allocatable        :: Work
  real(8),dimension(:),allocatable           :: Rwork
  integer,dimension(:),allocatable           :: Iwork
  integer,dimension(:),allocatable           :: Isuppz
  integer,dimension(:),allocatable           :: Ifail
  jobz_='V'  ;if(present(jobz))jobz_=jobz
  uplo_='U'  ;if(present(uplo))uplo_=uplo
  vl_  = 1d0 ;if(present(vL))vL_=vL
  vu_  = 1d0 ;if(present(vU))vU_=vU
  iL_  = 1   ;if(present(iL))iL_=iL
  iU_  = 1   ;if(present(iU))iU_=iU
  tol_ = 0d0 ;if(present(tol))tol_=tol
  if(boolV.and.boolI)stop "vX and iX arguments both present. Can not set RANGE"
  if(jobz_/='V'.AND.jobz_/='N')stop "zeigh_simple error: jobz has illegal value"
  if(uplo_/='U'.AND.uplo_/='L')stop "zeigh_simple error: uplo has illegal value"
  Ns = max(1,size(A,1))
  if(any(shape(A)/=[Ns,Ns]))stop "zeigh_simple error: A has illegal shape"
  mE = Ns
  select case(method_)
  case ("zheevr")
     call zheevr(jobz_,range,uplo_,&
     lwork = guess_lwork(1)
     lrwork= guess_lrwork(1)
     liwork= guess_liwork(1)
     call zheevr(jobz_,range,uplo_,&
     !<copy the Evecs from Z to the input matrix A
     if(jobz_=='V') A(:,1:mE) = Z(:,1:mE)    
  case ("zheev")
     call zheev(jobz_,uplo_,Ns,A,Ns,E,guess_lwork,-1,rwork,info)
     lwork = guess_lwork(1)
     call zheev(jobz_,uplo_,Ns,A,Ns,E,work,lwork,rwork,info)
  case default
     ! case("zheevd")
     call zheevd(jobz_,uplo_,Ns,A,Ns,E,guess_lwork,-1,guess_lrwork,-1,guess_liwork,-1,info)
     lwork = guess_lwork(1) ; lrwork= guess_lrwork(1) ; liwork= guess_liwork(1)
     call zheevd(jobz_,uplo_,Ns,A,Ns,E,work,lwork,rwork,lrwork,iwork,liwork,info)
  case ("zheevx")
     call zheevx(jobz_,range,uplo_,Ns,A,Ns,&
     lwork = guess_lwork(1)
     call zheevx(jobz_,range,uplo_,Ns,A,Ns,&
     if(jobz_=='V') A(:,1:mE) = Z(:,1:mE)
  end select
end subroutine zeigh_simple

! subroutine deigh_simple(A,W,jobz,uplo,vl,vu,il,iu,tol)
!   real(8),dimension(:,:),intent(inout)       :: A ! M v = E v/v(i,j) = ith component of jth vec.
!   real(8),dimension(size(A,2)),intent(inout) :: W ! eigenvalues
!   character(len=1),optional                  :: jobz,uplo
!   character(len=1)                           :: jobz_,uplo_,range
!   real(8),optional                           :: vl,vu,tol
!   integer,optional                           :: il,iu
!   real(8)                                    :: vL_,vU_,tol_
!   integer                                    :: iL_,iU_
!   integer                                    :: i,j,n,lda,info,ldz
!   integer                                    :: lwork,liwork,m
!   integer                                    :: guess_iwork(1)
!   real(8)                                    :: guess_work(1)
!   logical                                    :: boolV,boolI
!   real(8),dimension(:,:),allocatable         :: Z
!   real(8),dimension(:),allocatable           :: work
!   integer,dimension(:),allocatable           :: Isuppz
!   integer,dimension(:),allocatable           :: Iwork
!   !
!   !
!   jobz_='V'  ;if(present(jobz))jobz_=jobz
!   uplo_='U'  ;if(present(uplo))uplo_=uplo
!   vl_  = 1d0 ;if(present(vL))vL_=vL
!   vu_  = 1d0 ;if(present(vU))vU_=vU
!   iL_  = 1   ;if(present(iL))iL_=iL
!   iU_  = 1   ;if(present(iU))iU_=iU
!   tol_ = 0d0 ;if(present(tol))tol_=tol
!   !
!   W=0d0
!   !
!   range='A'
!   boolV=present(vL).AND.present(vU)
!   boolI=present(iL).OR.present(iU)
!   if(boolV.and.boolI)stop "vX and iX arguments both present. Can not set RANGE"
!   if(boolV)range='V'
!   if(boolI)range='I'
!   !
!   N     = max(1,size(A,1))
!   LDA   = max(1,size(A,2))
!   ! M     = N ; if(range=="I")M = iU_ - iL_ + 1
!   LDZ   = N
!   if(any(shape(A)/=[N,N]))stop "my_eighD error: A has illegal shape"
!   !
!   allocate(Z(N,N)) !Supplying N columns is always safe.
!   !
!   allocate(Isuppz(2*N))
!   !
!   call dsyevr(jobz_,range,uplo_,N,A,N,vl_,vu_,iL_,iU_,tol_,M,W,Z,N,Isuppz,guess_work,-1,guess_iwork,-1,info)
!   lwork = guess_work(1)
!   liwork= guess_iwork(1)
!   allocate(work(lwork))
!   allocate(iwork(liwork))
!   call dsyevr(jobz_,range,uplo_,N,A,N,vl_,vu_,iL_,iU_,tol_,M,W,Z,N,Isuppz,work,lwork,iwork,liwork,info)
!   !<copy the Evecs from Z to the input matrix A
!   !print*,range,M
!   A = 0d0
!   A(:,1:M) = Z(:,1:M)    
! end subroutine deigh_simple

! subroutine zeigh_simple(A,W,jobz,uplo,vl,vu,il,iu,tol)
!   complex(8),dimension(:,:),intent(inout)    :: A ! M v = E v/v(i,j) = ith component of jth vec.
!   real(8),dimension(size(A,2)),intent(inout) :: W ! eigenvalues
!   character(len=1),optional                  :: jobz,uplo
!   character(len=1)                           :: jobz_,uplo_,range
!   real(8),optional                           :: vl,vu,tol
!   integer,optional                           :: il,iu
!   real(8)                                    :: vL_,vU_,tol_
!   integer                                    :: iL_,iU_
!   integer                                    :: i,j,n,lda,info,ldz
!   integer                                    :: lwork,liwork,lrwork,m
!   integer                                    :: guess_iwork(1)
!   real(8)                                    :: guess_rwork(1)
!   complex(8)                                 :: guess_work(1)
!   logical                                    :: boolV,boolI
!   complex(8),dimension(:,:),allocatable      :: Z
!   complex(8),dimension(:),allocatable        :: work
!   complex(8),dimension(:),allocatable        :: rwork
!   integer,dimension(:),allocatable           :: Isuppz
!   integer,dimension(:),allocatable           :: Iwork
!   !
!   !
!   jobz_='V'  ;if(present(jobz))jobz_=jobz
!   uplo_='U'  ;if(present(uplo))uplo_=uplo
!   vl_  = 1d0 ;if(present(vL))vL_=vL
!   vu_  = 1d0 ;if(present(vU))vU_=vU
!   iL_  = 1   ;if(present(iL))iL_=iL
!   iU_  = 1   ;if(present(iU))iU_=iU
!   tol_ = 0d0 ;if(present(tol))tol_=tol
!   !
!   W=0d0
!   !
!   range='A'
!   boolV=present(vL).AND.present(vU)
!   boolI=present(iL).OR.present(iU)
!   if(boolV.and.boolI)stop "vX and iX arguments both present. Can not set RANGE"
!   if(boolV)range='V'
!   if(boolI)range='I'
!   !
!   N     = max(1,size(A,1))
!   LDA   = max(1,size(A,2))
!   ! M     = N ; if(range=="I")M = iU_ - iL_ + 1
!   LDZ   = N
!   if(any(shape(A)/=[N,N]))stop "my_eighD error: A has illegal shape"
!   !
!   allocate(Z(N,N)) !Supplying N columns is always safe.
!   !
!   allocate(Isuppz(2*N))
!   !
!   call zheevr(jobz_,range,uplo_,N,A,N,vl_,vu_,iL_,iU_,tol_,M,W,Z,N,Isuppz,guess_work,-1,guess_rwork,-1,guess_iwork,-1,info)
!   lwork = guess_work(1)
!   lrwork= guess_rwork(1)
!   liwork= guess_iwork(1)
!   allocate(work(lwork))
!   allocate(rwork(lrwork))
!   allocate(iwork(liwork))
!   call zheevr(jobz_,range,uplo_,N,A,N,vl_,vu_,iL_,iU_,tol_,M,W,Z,N,Isuppz,work,lwork,rwork,lrwork,iwork,liwork,info)
!   !<copy the Evecs from Z to the input matrix A
!   A = dcmplx(0d0,0d0)
!   A(:,1:M) = Z(:,1:M)    
! end subroutine zeigh_simple

! subroutine deigh_simple(M,E,jobz,uplo)
!   real(8),dimension(:,:),intent(inout) :: M ! M v = E v/v(i,j) = ith component of jth vec.
!   real(8),dimension(:),intent(inout)   :: E ! eigenvalues
!   character(len=1),optional            :: jobz,uplo
!   character(len=1)                     :: jobz_,uplo_
!   integer                              :: i,j,n,lda,info,lwork
!   real(8),dimension(:),allocatable     :: work
!   real(8),dimension(1)                 :: lwork_guess
!   jobz_='V';if(present(jobz))jobz_=jobz
!   uplo_='U';if(present(uplo))uplo_=uplo
!   lda = max(1,size(M,1))
!   n   = size(M,2)
!   call assert_shape(M,[n,n],"eigh","M")
!   Call dsyev(jobz_,uplo_,n,M,lda,E,lwork_guess,-1,info)
!   if (info /= 0) then
!      print*, "dsyevd returned info =", info
!      if (info < 0) then
!         print*, "the", -info, "-th argument had an illegal value"
!      else
!         print*, "the algorithm failed to compute an eigenvalue while working"
!         print*, "on the submatrix lying in rows and columns", 1d0*info/(n+1)
!         print*, "through", mod(info, n+1)
!      end if
!      stop 'error deigh: 1st call dsyev'
!   end if
!   lwork=lwork_guess(1)
!   allocate(work(lwork))
!   call dsyev(jobz_,uplo_,n,M,lda,E,work,lwork,info)
!   if (info /= 0) then
!      print*, "dsyevd returned info =", info
!      if (info < 0) then
!         print*, "the", -info, "-th argument had an illegal value"
!      else
!         print*, "the algorithm failed to compute an eigenvalue while working"
!         print*, "on the submatrix lying in rows and columns", 1d0*info/(n+1)
!         print*, "through", mod(info, n+1)
!      end if
!      stop 'error deigh: 2nd call dsyev'
!   end if
!   deallocate(work)
! end subroutine deigh_simple
! !-----------------------------
! subroutine zeigh_simple(M,E,jobz,uplo)
!   complex(8),dimension(:,:),intent(inout) :: M! M v = E v/v(i,j) = ith component of jth vec.
!   real(8),dimension(:),intent(inout)      :: E! eigenvalues
!   character(len=1),optional               :: jobz,uplo
!   character(len=1)                        :: jobz_,uplo_
!   integer                                 :: i,j,n,lda,info,lwork
!   complex(8),dimension(1)                 :: lwork_guess
!   complex(8),dimension(:),allocatable     :: work
!   real(8),dimension(:),allocatable        :: rwork
!   !write(*,*)"matrix_diagonalization called with: jobz="//jobz_//" uplo="//uplo_
!   jobz_='V';if(present(jobz))jobz_=jobz
!   uplo_='U';if(present(uplo))uplo_=uplo
!   lda = max(1,size(M,1))
!   n   = size(M,2)
!   call assert_shape(M,[n,n],"eigh","M")
!   allocate(rwork(max(1,3*N-2)))
!   call zheev(jobz_,uplo_,n,M,lda,E,lwork_guess,-1,rwork,info)
!   if(info/=0) then
!      print*, "zheev returned info =", info
!      if (info < 0) then
!         print*, "the", -info, "-th argument had an illegal value"
!      else
!         print*, "the algorithm failed to compute an eigenvalue while working"
!         print*, "on the submatrix lying in rows and columns", 1d0*info/(n+1)
!         print*, "through", mod(info, n+1)
!      end if
!      stop 'error zeigh: 1st call zheev'
!   end if
!   lwork=lwork_guess(1) ; allocate(work(lwork))
!   call zheev(jobz_,uplo_,n,M,lda,E,work,lwork,rwork,info)
!   if(info/=0) then
!      print*, "zheev returned info =", info
!      if (info < 0) then
!         print*, "the", -info, "-th argument had an illegal value"
!      else
!         print*, "the algorithm failed to compute an eigenvalue while working"
!         print*, "on the submatrix lying in rows and columns", 1d0*info/(n+1)
!         print*, "through", mod(info, n+1)
!      end if
!      stop 'error zeigh: 2nd call zheev'
!   end if
!   deallocate(work,rwork)
! end subroutine zeigh_simple

subroutine deigh_tridiag(D,U,Ev,Irange,Vrange)
  real(8),dimension(:)                :: d
  real(8),dimension(max(1,size(d)-1)) :: u
  real(8),dimension(:,:),optional     :: Ev
  integer,dimension(2),optional       :: Irange
  integer,dimension(2),optional       :: Vrange
  integer                             :: n
  ! = 'N':  Compute eigenvalues only;
  ! = 'V':  Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
  character                           :: jobz_
  ! = 'A': all eigenvalues will be found
  ! = 'V': all eigenvalues in the half-open interval (VL,VU] will be found.
  ! = 'I': the IL-th through IU-th eigenvalues will be found.
  ! For RANGE = 'V' or 'I' and IU - IL < N - 1, DSTEBZ and
  ! DSTEIN are called
  character                           :: range_
  real(8)                             :: vl,vu 
  integer                             :: il,iu
  real(8),dimension(size(d))          :: w
  real(8),dimension(:,:),allocatable  :: z
  integer,dimension(:),allocatable    :: isuppz
  integer                             :: lwork,liwork
  real(8),dimension(:),allocatable    :: work
  integer,dimension(:),allocatable    :: iwork
  real(8)                             :: abstol = 0d0 !tolerance on approximation error of eigenvalues
  integer                             :: m
  integer                             :: ldz
  integer                             :: info
  n = size(d)
  jobz_ = 'N'; if(present(Ev))jobz_='V'
  range_= 'A'
  m     = n
  if(present(Irange).AND.present(Vrange))stop "EIGH_T: Irange & Vrange both present"
     range_ = 'I'
     il = Irange(1)
     iu = Irange(2)
     m  = iu-il+1
     range_ = 'V'
     vl     = Vrange(1)
     vu     = Vrange(2)
     m      = n
     if(any(shape(Ev)/=[n,m]))stop "EIGH_T ERROR: wrong dimension in Ev"
  ldz = n
  allocate(z(n,m), isuppz(2*max(1,m)))
  call dstevr(jobz_,range_,n,d,u,vl,vu,il,iu,abstol,m,w,z,ldz,isuppz,work,-1,iwork,-1,info)
  if(info/=0) then
     print*, "dstevr returned info =", info
     if (info < 0) then
        print*, "the", -info, "-th argument had an illegal value"
        print*, "Internal error"
     end if
     stop 'error dstevr: 1st call dstevr'
  end if
  lwork  = work(1)
  liwork = iwork(1)
  call dstevr(jobz_,range_,n,d,u,vl,vu,il,iu,abstol,m,w,z,ldz,isuppz,work,lwork,iwork,liwork,info)
  if(info/=0) then
     print*, "dstevr returned info =", info
     if (info < 0) then
        print*, "the", -info, "-th argument had an illegal value"
        print*, "Internal error"
     end if
     stop 'error dstevr: 2nd call dstevr'
  end if
  d  = w
  if(present(Ev)) Ev = z
end subroutine deigh_tridiag