jdzo Subroutine

subroutine jdzo(nt, n, m, p, zo)


! JDZO computes the zeros of Bessel functions Jn(x) and Jn'(x).


This procedure computes the zeros of Bessel functions Jn(x) and
Jn'(x), and arrange them in the order of their magnitudes.


This routine is copyrighted by Shanjie Zhang and Jianming Jin.  However,
they give permission to incorporate this routine into a user program
provided that the copyright is acknowledged.


01 August 2012


Shanjie Zhang, Jianming Jin


Shanjie Zhang, Jianming Jin,
Computation of Special Functions,
Wiley, 1996,
ISBN: 0-471-11963-6,
LC: QA351.C45.


Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NT, the number of zeros.

Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) N(*), the  order of Jn(x) or Jn'(x) associated
with the L-th zero.

Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) M(*), the serial number of the zeros of Jn(x)
or Jn'(x) associated with the L-th zero ( L is the serial number of all the
zeros of Jn(x) and Jn'(x) ).

Output, character ( len = 4 ) P(L), 'TM' or 'TE', a code for designating
the zeros of Jn(x)  or Jn'(x).  In the waveguide applications, the zeros
of Jn(x) correspond to TM modes and those of Jn'(x) correspond to TE modes.

Output, real ( kind = 8 ) ZO(*), the zeros of Jn(x) and Jn'(x).


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer(kind=4) :: nt
integer(kind=4) :: n(1400)
integer(kind=4) :: m(1400)
character(len=4) :: p(1400)
real(kind=8) :: zo(1400)


proc~~jdzo~2~~CallsGraph proc~jdzo~2 jdzo bjndd bjndd proc~jdzo~2->bjndd

Source Code

subroutine jdzo ( nt, n, m, p, zo )

  !! JDZO computes the zeros of Bessel functions Jn(x) and Jn'(x).
  !  Discussion:
  !    This procedure computes the zeros of Bessel functions Jn(x) and
  !    Jn'(x), and arrange them in the order of their magnitudes.
  !  Licensing:
  !    This routine is copyrighted by Shanjie Zhang and Jianming Jin.  However, 
  !    they give permission to incorporate this routine into a user program 
  !    provided that the copyright is acknowledged.
  !  Modified:
  !    01 August 2012
  !  Author:
  !    Shanjie Zhang, Jianming Jin
  !  Reference:
  !    Shanjie Zhang, Jianming Jin,
  !    Computation of Special Functions,
  !    Wiley, 1996,
  !    ISBN: 0-471-11963-6,
  !    LC: QA351.C45.
  !  Parameters:
  !    Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NT, the number of zeros.
  !    Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) N(*), the  order of Jn(x) or Jn'(x) associated
  !    with the L-th zero.
  !    Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) M(*), the serial number of the zeros of Jn(x)
  !    or Jn'(x) associated with the L-th zero ( L is the serial number of all the
  !    zeros of Jn(x) and Jn'(x) ).
  !    Output, character ( len = 4 ) P(L), 'TM' or 'TE', a code for designating 
  !    the zeros of Jn(x)  or Jn'(x).  In the waveguide applications, the zeros
  !    of Jn(x) correspond to TM modes and those of Jn'(x) correspond to TE modes.
  !    Output, real ( kind = 8 ) ZO(*), the zeros of Jn(x) and Jn'(x).
  implicit none

  real ( kind = 8 ) bj(101)
  real ( kind = 8 ) dj(101)
  real ( kind = 8 ) fj(101)
  integer ( kind = 4 ) i
  integer ( kind = 4 ) j
  integer ( kind = 4 ) k
  integer ( kind = 4 ) l
  integer ( kind = 4 ) l0
  integer ( kind = 4 ) l1
  integer ( kind = 4 ) l2
  integer ( kind = 4 ) m(1400)
  integer ( kind = 4 ) m1(70)
  integer ( kind = 4 ) mm
  integer ( kind = 4 ) n(1400)
  integer ( kind = 4 ) n1(70)
  integer ( kind = 4 ) nm
  integer ( kind = 4 ) nt
  character ( len = 4 ) p(1400)
  character ( len = 4 ) p1(70)
  real ( kind = 8 ) x
  real ( kind = 8 ) x0
  real ( kind = 8 ) x1
  real ( kind = 8 ) x2
  real ( kind = 8 ) xm
  real ( kind = 8 ) zo(1400)
  real ( kind = 8 ) zoc(70)

  if ( nt < 600 ) then
     xm = -1.0D+00 + 2.248485D+00 * real ( nt, kind = 8 ) ** 0.5D+00 &
          - 0.0159382D+00 * nt + 3.208775D-04 * real ( nt, kind = 8 ) ** 1.5D+00
     nm = int ( 14.5D+00 + 0.05875D+00 * nt )
     mm = int ( 0.02D+00 * nt ) + 6
     xm = 5.0D+00 + 1.445389D+00 * ( real ( nt, kind = 8 ) ) ** 0.5D+00 &
          + 0.01889876D+00 * nt &
          - 2.147763D-04 * ( real ( nt, kind = 8 ) ) ** 1.5D+00
     nm = int ( 27.8D+00 + 0.0327D+00 * nt )
     mm = int ( 0.01088D+00 * nt ) + 10
  end if

  l0 = 0

  do i = 1,nm

     x1 = 0.407658D+00 + 0.4795504D+00 &
          * ( real ( i - 1, kind = 8 ) ) ** 0.5D+00 + 0.983618D+00 * ( i - 1 )
     x2 = 1.99535D+00 + 0.8333883 * ( real ( i - 1, kind = 8 ) ) ** 0.5D+00 &
          + 0.984584D+00 * ( i - 1 )
     l1 = 0

     do j = 1, mm

        if ( i == 1 .and. j == 1 ) then

           l1 = l1 + 1
           n1(l1) = i - 1
           m1(l1) = j
           if ( i == 1 ) then
              m1(l1) = j - 1
           end if
           p1(l1) = 'TE'
           zoc(l1) = x

           if ( i <= 15 ) then
              x1 = x + 3.057D+00 + 0.0122D+00 * ( i - 1 ) &
                   + ( 1.555D+00 + 0.41575D+00 * ( i - 1 ) ) / ( j + 1 ) ** 2
              x1 = x + 2.918D+00 + 0.01924D+00 * ( i - 1 ) &
                   + ( 6.26D+00 + 0.13205D+00 * ( i - 1 ) ) / ( j + 1 ) ** 2
           end if


           x = x1


              call bjndd ( i, x, bj, dj, fj )
              x0 = x
              x = x - dj(i) / fj(i)

              if ( xm < x1 ) then
              end if

              if ( abs ( x - x0 ) <= 1.0D-10 ) then
                 l1 = l1 + 1
                 n1(l1) = i - 1
                 m1(l1) = j
                 if ( i == 1 ) then
                    m1(l1) = j - 1
                 end if
                 p1(l1) = 'TE'
                 zoc(l1) = x

                 if ( i <= 15 ) then
                    x1 = x + 3.057D+00 + 0.0122D+00 * ( i - 1 ) &
                         + ( 1.555D+00 + 0.41575D+00 * ( i - 1 ) ) / ( j + 1 ) ** 2
                    x1 = x + 2.918D+00 + 0.01924D+00 * ( i - 1 ) &
                         + ( 6.26D+00 + 0.13205D+00 * ( i - 1 ) ) / ( j + 1 ) ** 2
                 end if
              end if

           end do

        end if

        x = x2


           call bjndd ( i, x, bj, dj, fj )
           x0 = x
           x = x - bj(i) / dj(i)

           if ( xm < x ) then
           end if

           if ( abs ( x - x0 ) <= 1.0D-10 ) then
           end if

        end do

        if ( x <= xm ) then

           l1 = l1 + 1
           n1(l1) = i - 1
           m1(l1) = j
           p1(l1) = 'TM'
           zoc(l1) = x
           if ( i <= 15 ) then
              x2 = x + 3.11D+00 + 0.0138D+00 * ( i - 1 ) &
                   + ( 0.04832D+00 + 0.2804D+00 * ( i - 1 ) ) / ( j + 1 ) ** 2
              x2 = x + 3.001D+00 + 0.0105D+00 * ( i - 1 ) &
                   + ( 11.52D+00 + 0.48525D+00 * ( i - 1 ) ) / ( j + 3 ) ** 2
           end if

        end if

     end do

     l = l0 + l1
     l2 = l


        if ( l0 == 0 ) then
           do k = 1, l
              zo(k) = zoc(k)
              n(k) = n1(k)
              m(k) = m1(k)
              p(k) = p1(k)
           end do
           l1 = 0
        else if ( l0 /= 0 ) then
           if ( zoc(l1) .le. zo(l0) ) then
              zo(l0+l1) = zo(l0)
              n(l0+l1) = n(l0)
              m(l0+l1) = m(l0)
              p(l0+l1) = p(l0)
              l0 = l0 - 1
              zo(l0+l1) = zoc(l1)
              n(l0+l1) = n1(l1)
              m(l0+l1) = m1(l1)
              p(l0+l1) = p1(l1)
              l1 = l1 - 1
           end if
        end if

        if ( l1 == 0 ) then
        end if

     end do

     l0 = l2

  end do

end subroutine jdzo