dtblok Subroutine

subroutine dtblok(bloks, integs, nbloks, ipivot, iflag, detsgn, detlog)


! DTBLOK gets the determinant of an almost block diagonal matrix.


The matrix's PLU factorization must have been obtained
previously by FCBLOK.

The logarithm of the determinant is computed instead of the
determinant itself to avoid the danger of overflow or underflow
inherent in this calculation.


14 February 2007


Carl DeBoor


Carl DeBoor,
A Practical Guide to Splines,
Springer, 2001,
ISBN: 0387953663,
LC: QA1.A647.v27.


Input, real ( kind = 8 ) BLOKS(*), the factorization of A computed

Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INTEGS(3,NBLOKS), describes the block
structure of A.

Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NBLOKS, the number of blocks in A.

Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPIVOT(*), pivoting information.
The dimension of IPIVOT is the sum ( INTEGS(1,1:NBLOKS) ).

Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IFLAG, = (-1)**(number of interchanges during
factorization) if successful, otherwise IFLAG = 0.

Output, real ( kind = 8 ) DETSGN, the sign of the determinant.

Output, real ( kind = 8 ) DETLOG, the natural logarithm of the
determinant, if the determinant is not zero.  If the determinant
is 0, then DETLOG is returned as 0.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=8) :: bloks(*)
integer(kind=4) :: integs(3,nbloks)
integer(kind=4) :: nbloks
integer(kind=4) :: ipivot(1)
integer(kind=4) :: iflag
real(kind=8) :: detsgn
real(kind=8) :: detlog

Source Code

subroutine dtblok ( bloks, integs, nbloks, ipivot, iflag, detsgn, detlog )

  !! DTBLOK gets the determinant of an almost block diagonal matrix.
  !  Discussion:
  !    The matrix's PLU factorization must have been obtained 
  !    previously by FCBLOK.
  !    The logarithm of the determinant is computed instead of the
  !    determinant itself to avoid the danger of overflow or underflow
  !    inherent in this calculation.
  !  Modified:
  !    14 February 2007
  !  Author:
  !    Carl DeBoor
  !  Reference:
  !    Carl DeBoor,
  !    A Practical Guide to Splines,
  !    Springer, 2001,
  !    ISBN: 0387953663,
  !    LC: QA1.A647.v27.
  !  Parameters:
  !    Input, real ( kind = 8 ) BLOKS(*), the factorization of A computed
  !    by FCBLOK.
  !    Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INTEGS(3,NBLOKS), describes the block 
  !    structure of A.
  !    Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NBLOKS, the number of blocks in A.
  !    Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPIVOT(*), pivoting information.
  !    The dimension of IPIVOT is the sum ( INTEGS(1,1:NBLOKS) ).
  !    Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IFLAG, = (-1)**(number of interchanges during
  !    factorization) if successful, otherwise IFLAG = 0.
  !    Output, real ( kind = 8 ) DETSGN, the sign of the determinant.
  !    Output, real ( kind = 8 ) DETLOG, the natural logarithm of the 
  !    determinant, if the determinant is not zero.  If the determinant
  !    is 0, then DETLOG is returned as 0.
  implicit none

  integer ( kind = 4 ) nbloks

  real ( kind = 8 ) bloks(*)
  real ( kind = 8 ) detlog
  real ( kind = 8 ) detsgn
  integer ( kind = 4 ) i
  integer ( kind = 4 ) iflag
  integer ( kind = 4 ) index
  integer ( kind = 4 ) indexp
  integer ( kind = 4 ) integs(3,nbloks)
  integer ( kind = 4 ) ip
  integer ( kind = 4 ) ipivot(1)
  integer ( kind = 4 ) k
  integer ( kind = 4 ) last
  integer ( kind = 4 ) nrow

  detsgn = iflag
  detlog = 0.0D+00

  if ( iflag == 0 ) then
  end if

  index = 0
  indexp = 0

  do i = 1, nbloks

     nrow = integs(1,i)
     last = integs(3,i)

     do k = 1, last
        ip = index + nrow * ( k - 1 ) + ipivot(indexp+k)
        detlog = detlog + log ( abs ( bloks(ip) ) )
        detsgn = detsgn * sign ( 1.0D+00, bloks(ip) )
     end do

     index = nrow * integs(2,i) + index
     indexp = indexp + nrow

  end do

end subroutine dtblok