cubspl Subroutine

subroutine cubspl(tau, c, n, ibcbeg, ibcend)

! CUBSPL defines an interpolatory cubic spline. Discussion: A tridiagonal linear system for the unknown slopes S(I) of F at TAU(I), I=1,..., N, is generated and then solved by Gauss elimination, with S(I) ending up in C(2,I), for all I.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=8) :: tau(n)
real(kind=8) :: c(4,n)
integer(kind=4) :: n
integer(kind=4) :: ibcbeg
integer(kind=4) :: ibcend

Source Code

subroutine cubspl ( tau, c, n, ibcbeg, ibcend )
  !! CUBSPL defines an interpolatory cubic spline.
  !  Discussion:
  !    A tridiagonal linear system for the unknown slopes S(I) of
  !    F at TAU(I), I=1,..., N, is generated and then solved by Gauss
  !    elimination, with S(I) ending up in C(2,I), for all I.

  !  Parameters:
  !    Input, real ( kind = 8 ) TAU(N), the abscissas or X values of
  !    the data points.  The entries of TAU are assumed to be
  !    strictly increasing.
  !    Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the number of data points.  N is
  !    assumed to be at least 2.
  !    Input/output, real ( kind = 8 ) C(4,N).
  !    On input, if IBCBEG or IBCBEG is 1 or 2, then C(2,1)
  !    or C(2,N) should have been set to the desired derivative
  !    values, as described further under IBCBEG and IBCEND.
  !    On output, C contains the polynomial coefficients of
  !    the cubic interpolating spline with interior knots
  !    TAU(2) through TAU(N-1).
  !    In the interval interval (TAU(I), TAU(I+1)), the spline
  !    F is given by
  !      F(X) = 
  !        C(1,I) + 
  !        C(2,I) * H +
  !        C(3,I) * H**2 / 2 + 
  !        C(4,I) * H**3 / 6.
  !    where H=X-TAU(I).  The routine PPVALU may be used to
  !    evaluate F or its derivatives from TAU, C, L=N-1,
  !    and K=4.
  !    Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IBCBEG, IBCEND, boundary condition indicators
  !    IBCBEG = 0 means no boundary condition at TAU(1) is given.
  !    In this case, the "not-a-knot condition" is used.  That
  !    is, the jump in the third derivative across TAU(2) is
  !    forced to zero.  Thus the first and the second cubic
  !    polynomial pieces are made to coincide.
  !    IBCBEG = 1 means the slope at TAU(1) is to equal the
  !    input value C(2,1).
  !    IBCBEG = 2 means the second derivative at TAU(1) is
  !    to equal C(2,1).
  !    IBCEND = 0, 1, or 2 has analogous meaning concerning the
  !    boundary condition at TAU(N), with the additional
  !    information taken from C(2,N).
  implicit none
  integer ( kind = 4 ) n
  real ( kind = 8 ) c(4,n)
  real ( kind = 8 ) divdf1
  real ( kind = 8 ) divdf3
  real ( kind = 8 ) dtau
  real ( kind = 8 ) g
  integer ( kind = 4 ) i
  integer ( kind = 4 ) ibcbeg
  integer ( kind = 4 ) ibcend
  real ( kind = 8 ) tau(n)
  !  C(3,*) and C(4,*) are used initially for temporary storage.
  !  Store first differences of the TAU sequence in C(3,*).
  !  Store first divided difference of data in C(4,*).
  do i = 2, n
     c(3,i) = tau(i) - tau(i-1)
  end do
  do i = 2, n 
     c(4,i) = ( c(1,i) - c(1,i-1) ) / ( tau(i) - tau(i-1) )
  end do
  !  Construct the first equation from the boundary condition
  !  at the left endpoint, of the form:
  !    C(4,1) * S(1) + C(3,1) * S(2) = C(2,1)
  !  IBCBEG = 0: Not-a-knot
  if ( ibcbeg == 0 ) then
     if ( n <= 2 ) then
        c(4,1) = 1.0D+00
        c(3,1) = 1.0D+00
        c(2,1) = 2.0D+00 * c(4,2)
        go to 120
     end if
     c(4,1) = c(3,3)
     c(3,1) = c(3,2) + c(3,3)
     c(2,1) = ( ( c(3,2) + 2.0D+00 * c(3,1) ) * c(4,2) * c(3,3) &
          + c(3,2)**2 * c(4,3) ) / c(3,1)
     !  IBCBEG = 1: derivative specified.
  else if ( ibcbeg == 1 ) then
     c(4,1) = 1.0D+00
     c(3,1) = 0.0D+00
     if ( n == 2 ) then
        go to 120
     end if
     !  Second derivative prescribed at left end.
     c(4,1) = 2.0D+00
     c(3,1) = 1.0D+00
     c(2,1) = 3.0D+00 * c(4,2) - c(3,2) / 2.0D+00 * c(2,1)
     if ( n == 2 ) then
        go to 120
     end if
  end if
  !  If there are interior knots, generate the corresponding
  !  equations and carry out the forward pass of Gauss elimination,
  !  after which the I-th equation reads:
  !    C(4,I) * S(I) + C(3,I) * S(I+1) = C(2,I).
  do i = 2, n-1
     g = -c(3,i+1) / c(4,i-1)
     c(2,i) = g * c(2,i-1) + 3.0D+00 * ( c(3,i) * c(4,i+1) + c(3,i+1) * c(4,i) )
     c(4,i) = g * c(3,i-1) + 2.0D+00 * ( c(3,i) + c(3,i+1))
  end do
  !  Construct the last equation from the second boundary condition, of
  !  the form
  !    -G * C(4,N-1) * S(N-1) + C(4,N) * S(N) = C(2,N)
  !  If slope is prescribed at right end, one can go directly to
  !  back-substitution, since the C array happens to be set up just
  !  right for it at this point.
  if ( ibcend == 1 ) then
     go to 160
  end if
  if ( 1 < ibcend ) then
     go to 110
  end if
90 continue
  !  Not-a-knot and 3 <= N, and either 3 < N or also not-a-knot
  !  at left end point.
  if ( n /= 3 .or. ibcbeg /= 0 ) then
     g = c(3,n-1) + c(3,n)
     c(2,n) = ( ( c(3,n) + 2.0D+00 * g ) * c(4,n) * c(3,n-1) + c(3,n)**2 &
          * ( c(1,n-1) - c(1,n-2) ) / c(3,n-1) ) / g
     g = - g / c(4,n-1)
     c(4,n) = c(3,n-1)
     c(4,n) = c(4,n) + g * c(3,n-1)
     c(2,n) = ( g * c(2,n-1) + c(2,n) ) / c(4,n)
     go to 160
  end if
  !  N = 3 and not-a-knot also at left.
100 continue
  c(2,n) = 2.0D+00 * c(4,n)
  c(4,n) = 1.0D+00
  g = -1.0D+00 / c(4,n-1)
  c(4,n) = c(4,n) - c(3,n-1) / c(4,n-1)
  c(2,n) = ( g * c(2,n-1) + c(2,n) ) / c(4,n)
  go to 160
  !  IBCEND = 2: Second derivative prescribed at right endpoint.
110 continue
  c(2,n) = 3.0D+00 * c(4,n) + c(3,n) / 2.0D+00 * c(2,n)
  c(4,n) = 2.0D+00
  g = -1.0D+00 / c(4,n-1)
  c(4,n) = c(4,n) - c(3,n-1) / c(4,n-1)
  c(2,n) = ( g * c(2,n-1) + c(2,n) ) / c(4,n)
  go to 160
  !  N = 2.
120 continue
  if ( ibcend == 2  ) then
     c(2,n) = 3.0D+00 * c(4,n) + c(3,n) / 2.0D+00 * c(2,n)
     c(4,n) = 2.0D+00
     g = -1.0D+00 / c(4,n-1)
     c(4,n) = c(4,n) - c(3,n-1) / c(4,n-1)
     c(2,n) = ( g * c(2,n-1) + c(2,n) ) / c(4,n)
  else if ( ibcend == 0 .and. ibcbeg /= 0 ) then
     c(2,n) = 2.0D+00 * c(4,n)
     c(4,n) = 1.0D+00
     g = -1.0D+00 / c(4,n-1)
     c(4,n) = c(4,n) - c(3,n-1) / c(4,n-1)
     c(2,n) = ( g * c(2,n-1) + c(2,n) ) / c(4,n)
  else if ( ibcend == 0 .and. ibcbeg == 0 ) then
     c(2,n) = c(4,n)
  end if
  !  Back solve the upper triangular system 
  !    C(4,I) * S(I) + C(3,I) * S(I+1) = B(I)
  !  for the slopes C(2,I), given that S(N) is already known.
160 continue
  do i = n-1, 1, -1
     c(2,i) = ( c(2,i) - c(3,i) * c(2,i+1) ) / c(4,i)
  end do
  !  Generate cubic coefficients in each interval, that is, the
  !  derivatives at its left endpoint, from value and slope at its
  !  endpoints.
  do i = 2, n
     dtau = c(3,i)
     divdf1 = ( c(1,i) - c(1,i-1) ) / dtau
     divdf3 = c(2,i-1) + c(2,i) - 2.0D+00 * divdf1
     c(3,i-1) = 2.0D+00 * ( divdf1 - c(2,i-1) - divdf3 ) / dtau
     c(4,i-1) = 6.0D+00 * divdf3 / dtau**2
  end do
end subroutine cubspl